Oh Baby Baby // Dear Diary

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I stood up slowly, crossing to the kitchen where I found my seven year old daughter dancing with my one year long husband

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I stood up slowly, crossing to the kitchen where I found my seven year old daughter dancing with my one year long husband. Carlisle spun Rae, who then turned to blow me a kiss. I smiled, until a sloshing noise was heard. I looked down at my large watermelon-size stomach and gasped. Rae frowned and Carlisle was at my side in a second. "The baby's coming." I whispered, which brought the attention of literally every other Cullen in the house. They zoomed into the room, and next thing I knew I was in the room setup for the birth of this baby.


"Welcome to the world, Ashton Cullen." I cooked down at the small baby boy in my arms. Carlisle smiled from beside me as he looked down at our son, and Rae watched the boy, unsure if she should be happy or not. She wasn't overjoyed about it being a boy, seeing as she wanted a little sister.

"You're a big sister, Rae. Come see your little brother." Carlisle waved her over, and she sat on his lap. "This is gonna be interesting." He whispered quietly so only my vampire ears could hear him.


1 year later

I bounced Ashton on my hip, trying to get him to calm down

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I bounced Ashton on my hip, trying to get him to calm down. Over the year we'd found that he was a vampire, much like Renesme, but he was going to grow at a natural speed. Over the year he'd also grown a light brown hair, that was slowly turning to a blond colour. He had eyes that would change colour, but most of the time they were a dark brown or a grey.

Rae was now eight, and was still just as beautiful as the day I got her back. She'd grown to love Ashton over time, and loved to play outside in the grass with him. This was my perfect family.

Rosalie was over the moon about having a child who grew at a normal pace, but I don't think Emmett was as excited. Bella loved it, and Edward and Jasper were really happy about having another boy. If this boy was anything like them, we'd have serious problems.

Over time, the Cullen's has started calling me mom, which was super weird, because technically Ashton and Rae were half-siblings to Edward, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett, which made them a sorta-aunt and sorta-uncle to Renesme.

No matter how weird the situation was, this life was wonderful, and I could've never imagined a better one.

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