Dear Diary

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Dear Diary, Up top, a picture of the newest edition to our family: Alexandria Cullen

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Dear Diary,
Up top, a picture of the newest edition to our family: Alexandria Cullen. We were proud to welcome her to our family four years after we'd had Ashton. We felt like it may have been a fairly large age gap, but we wanted another child.

I fall in love more and more with each of them everyday. Especially Carlisle. I didn't think it was possible, but I love him more than the first day I told him I did. When we announced we were pregnant with Alexandria, Rosalie, Alice and Bella nearly killed me with hugs. And when Alexandria was born, Rae cried because she's finally gotten her long-awaited sister.

Alexandria grew into her blonde locks (much like her father's) and blue eyes. In the picture above, she's a year old. She, just as her older brother, is a vampire, yet she grows. I couldn't have asked for anything better, honestly. The house is a little crowded now, as I've given up my room and share one with Carlisle. Rae and Alexandria share, and Ash got my old one. Everyone went soft when Alexandria was born. What surprised me most, was that Emmett took a liking to Alexandria, and is always around her. He's very protective of her, as he looks at her like a baby sister (which she technically is to him). It's very adorable seeing the 'big and tough guy' cuddle with an adorable baby. At first, I said I couldn't ask for more, but I don't think I could go without this blonde angel I'm so lucky to call my daughter.

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