Chapter 8

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Alice leads the way upstairs as Rae, Renesme, Rosalie, Bella and I follow excitedly

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Alice leads the way upstairs as Rae, Renesme, Rosalie, Bella and I follow excitedly. I was nervous to see her bedroom, because I was worried they took it too far. I carry Rae up the stairs, and put her down in front of the door. "This is your room, Rae!" Alice smiles, and opens the door. I can't see it from behind everyone, but I hear Rae gasp. As everyone enters the room, I finally get a view.

A couch-like bed was against the wall, which was decorated with two large cactus stickers and pink flowers on them. A dream-catcher-like thing was in between them. On either end of the bed was peach colour side tables. Across the room from the bed was my bookshelf and my desk. I frowned slightly at that sight, and Alice notices. "We changed your room too, Lili." She walks out the door and the few steps to my door. I push it open.
The corner where my couch sits is intact, but the rest of the room is completely different. They've managed to fit a poster bed, with white drapes and vines, another chair, a mirror, and lots of plants.

"Do you like it?" Rosalie asks, unsure

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"Do you like it?" Rosalie asks, unsure.

"I love it!" I smile.

"When are you going to bring her to meet the pack?" Jake asks in the doorway.

"Probably tomorrow." I smile. "She can get settled today." Jake nods and comes over to kiss my cheek.

"I'm leaving. I'll be at Sam's house tomorrow. Billy will be too." He says, walking out the door.

"Momma?" Rae asks. I turn to her and smile.

"Yes, baby?"

She comes up to me and rugs on my hands to pick her up, which I do. "Who's Billy?" She asks sweetly.



I run around the house, looking for someone. "Where is everyone?" I groan. From behind me, Rae babbles something. "Yes, they did all leave us, Rae." I sigh and turn around to pick Rae up. "I guess we're going together." I grab my purse and my keys and put Aubrey Rae in her car seat. She play with my hair while I buckle her in. I get in the drivers seat and start the engine. Rae giggles from behind me and I glance back to see her watching a bunny run around outside. She seems to really love the house right now. Especially the forest around us.

At the store, I go to the hair product isle. "What colours should mommy get?" I ask Rae, putting her down so she can pick out some colours. I pay, and drive to the mall. "Let's find mommy some clothes!" I say excitedly while Rae claps her hands giggling. I position her on my hip and start looking through the cloths and jewelry. "Should mommy get some fake nails?" I ask Rae, who picks up a box of a dark olive green fake nails. "Good choice."

After trying on many different outfits with Rae's encouragement, we finally get into the Jeep to go home. It's just around lunchtime, so I decide I'll feed her at home, then head over to Sam's.

"Where were you two?" Emmett asks when I open the front door.

I'm bouncing Rae on my hip. "Mommy and Rae had a shopping morning." I say in a baby voice to Rae, who giggles. "We both got lots of clothing." I say, gesturing to the bags in both my hands.

I hand Rae over to him and he tickles her. "Wanna play video games?" He asks the small girl, who nods her head. I walk into the kitchen, and head Emmett teaching Rae how to play.

He says something then shows her. "That's not right." She says. I hear Jasper laugh from the living room and Emmett mumble something incoherent. I walk back into the living room. "Can you feed her, Emmett?"

"Me?!" He asks. "No thank you! I got the Jeep and you got the kid in the divorce!" He jokes. I roll my eyes but smile.

"I can feed her," Carlisle says from across the room. I raise an eyebrow. "Well, I'm sure Alice or Rosalie are somewhere around here to help me..." He smiles and I laugh.

"I can do it." Esme smiles kindly and takes Rae from Emmett, walking into the kitchen. I watch them leave with a smile on my face. Esme has been really nice with Rae, and very protective. I like it because I can watch her and learn from her. We have a better relationship because of Rae. I run upstairs with my bags and put the clothing into the wash. I bring my bag of hair products into the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I pull out the brown hair dye and get to it.

Word Count: 805

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