Dear Diary

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Dear Diary,
As our two youngest children had wished, if they wanted to stop aging, they could. It was the only vampire trait they didn't have. Ash was now twenty-two years old, and he was still aging. He wasn't sure what he wanted yet. I think that part of his decision was based off of the fact that he'd found a girl, a girl he loved deeply.

Opposed to her brother, Alexandria knew what she wanted. She wanted to be with us forever. So, the day after her 18th birthday, we injected her with the venom. She stopped aging.

I can't even begin to explain the feelings I'd felt. I was overjoyed she wanted to stay with us, but I was also disappointed, because I wanted her to grow old with someone. She had, however, found a certain girl she liked. This girl was actually Leah. It was weird, seeing my childhood friend with my daughter. And although they were just friends at the moment, I could tell it was more than that. As long as Leah kept shifting, she'd stay the same age and as long as they were happy, I was happy.

Rae (who now went by Aubrey to everyone else but the Cullen's and the pack) was 29 years old, and still aging. She was gorgeous, pretty much glowing with her small baby bump. She'd met a nice guy around the age of 24, and they got married when she was 26. She was now carrying his child, and I couldn't wait to be a grandmother. The guy chose not to question my -and the rest of the Cullen's- lack of aging, which I took as a bonus.

In my story, there is a message. I wanted to show that no matter how rough things are in the beginning, all will end well. I was once told you had to live in the moment, so here I am, with 8 people who call me mom, one on the way, and a loving husband and bestfriend I never could have imagined would love me back.

Goodbye and farewell,
Lilith Grace Cullen

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