Chapter 11

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Two months went by, Paul and I were still going on dates, and I was still seeing Carlisle for appointments

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Two months went by, Paul and I were still going on dates, and I was still seeing Carlisle for appointments. Rae had turned four, and she was still being spoiled by everyone. Especially when everyone was giving her birthday presents.

I looked up at Paul and thanked him again for the fun night, before kissing him on the lips. The kiss went on for a few seconds, but those few seconds didn't seem right. I waved goodbye to him from the front door, and stumbled in, taking off my heels before running to find Alice, who'd just finished putting Rae to bed.

"I know why you came." She says.

I snort. "Of course you do, you probably saw this exact moment." She shrugs and pulls you into her room. "It just doesn't feel right, Alice. Like something that seems nice, but doesn't fill the spot." I try to explain, but it seems she already understands.

"Don't worry, it'll happen." She says before bouncing off. I frown. What will happen? What is she talking about? I sulk over to my room and change into sweatpants and a loose fitting shirt before laying on the bed and reading through the night.


Around 7:30 in the morning, Rae wakes up so I get up and bring her downstairs to eat. She can walk on her own, and use the potty, but I'm scared to let her go down the stairs alone. We're practicing on going down with someone right now. I walk into the kitchen with my sweatpants and loose fitting shirt, and my hair in a messy bun, with my hand holding Rae's tiny one. Emmett chuckles from the dining table where he's reading a sports magazine, and I look down at Rae to realize that we're wearing the same outfit. She has tiny sweatpants on, with a large pale pink t-shirt, and her hair is pulled back in the messy bun I put in before coming down. I smile at my mini-me and set her down in the chair beside Emmett, leaving her to babble with him while I made pancakes for her. I set them down in front of her when they're done and she picks one up with her hands and bites into it. "Emmett, watch her while she eats and clean her up after. I'm going to the hospital. Just call Alice or Rosalie to change her when she's done."

Emmett nods. "Yes, boss!" I glance at him before running up to pull a a pair of black leggings and a navy blue long sleeve on, leaving my hair in the messy bun and getting into my white Jeep and speeding down the winding road to the hospital. I drove at the speed limit, just by habit by driving around with Rae. Out of nowhere, a deer ran into the middle of the road. I swerved off to the side but turned too hard when I hit a tree head on. The airbag went off but I hit my head on the side of the door. My vision blurred slightly, because my hair had fell out of the elastic and into my face. I shouldn't have been in pain, but my head pounded. I touched my forehead and my finger became wet with sticky warm liquid. I pulled it back and looked at it to see blood on the ends of my fingers. I frowned before my vision blurred again. I tried to unbuckle my seatbelt, but it didn't matter because my legs were squished between the seat and the front of the car. I couldn't feel the pain, actually, I couldn't feel anything in my legs. The sound of someone shouting was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

My Escape / 𝐜. 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now