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Two years after that day, Carlisle and I were to wed

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Two years after that day, Carlisle and I were to wed. I was terrified to be honest. I paced the bathroom and Alice came in. "Stop pacing! You'll ruin your hair!" I stopped and rolled my eyes. "It's time to go!" She said excitedly.

I picked up my dress and carefully made my way down the stairs. We'd opted for a smaller, forest-themed wedding. We'd only invited the pack, Carlisle's close friends, and obviously the family. Rosalie, Bella, Emily and Leah were my bridesmaids. Alice would've been one but she refused, saying that it'd be too much work to plan the wedding and be a bridesmaid. The dress I wore was an off-white creamy colour. It had lace covering it, and lace covering my back slightly. Rosalie had pulled my hair into a simple bun, and I wore next to no makeup. I preferred it that way.

I followed Alice until I met up with Jake waiting behind a bend. "Where's Billy?" I asked.

"He wanted me to give you away, said it was too hard to roll his wheelchair around here. He's waiting with everyone else." Jake explained. A small frown over took my face. "I really actually think he just didn't want to cry in front of everyone." He chuckles and I smile. "He wanted me to give you this." He pulled out a small box, and inside there was a silver locket. I opened it to find a picture of Billy with me the day he adopted me when I was one year old, and a picture of me, Billy and Jake when he was born. I smiled and hugged Jake tightly.

Alice bounced over. "It's your turn!" She rushes off in the other direction, and Jake leads me around the bend, letting me see the area for the first time. The small group of people stood, and out of the faces I saw Esme, Alex, Rae, all the Cullen's, the pack, and a few of Carlisle's friends I'd met before. On my right, I also saw Annabeth, which made my smile widen. Finally, I looked up front and saw Carlisle watching me. If possible, my smile got even wider. When I got in front of him, Jake placed my hand in his, and kissed my cheek, before going to sit in the front row.

"You look gorgeous." He whispered quietly to me.

I smiled and looked him in his golden eyes. "You look very handsome, Carlisle." I said softly. The vows were a blur of hearing Emily's light sniffles and Billy wiping his eyes before anyone noticed he was crying.

I snapped out of my thoughts when the officiant addressed me. "I do." I said.

Carlisle repeated the words as well, and the officiant spoke the words I couldn't wait for. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." He said lightly.

Carlisle grabbed onto my waist softly and pulled me in. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him softly. The kiss was filled with love and desire. People cheered and brought us to our senses, making us break apart. I smiled up at him and he chuckled lightly, kissing my forehead. "I can't believe we're married." He said softly.

After bringing everyone to where the food and dancing was and having the first dance, I found myself whisked away by Alice and Rosalie. "Where are we going?" I asked.

Rosalie shook her head and handed me a different outfit, getting me to change. I changed quickly, pulling on the two piece outfit.

Rosalie then pulled my hair out, brushing it then curling it lightly while Alice reapplied my makeup

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Rosalie then pulled my hair out, brushing it then curling it lightly while Alice reapplied my makeup. "What's this for?" I asked.

Alice scoffed then rolled her eyes. "Honestly, you're so oblivious." She finished applying some lipstick. "It's for when you leave on your honeymoon!" She smiled brightly.

"I'm guessing you already have my clothing packed too? Just like you did with Bella?" I asked sarcastically, but they nodded.

"Oh man..." I sighed.

Rosalie finished with my hair. "You know, now that you're married, you're technically our mother."

My eyes widened. "Oh god please do not call me mom."

They chuckled and finished up, leaving me with my thoughts for a minute. I stood up and went back to where the tables were set up and people were dancing, and found Carlisle talking to Alex. When Alex saw me he smiled and walked away. "What were you two talking about?" I asked suspiciously, linking my arm with his.

He shrugs. "Nothing much." Carlisle smiles at me and leans in to kiss me lightly. "I love you." He mumbled into the kiss.

I smile against his lips then mumble. "I love you too." The night was filled with dances and talking. I'd been to a few weddings before, so I knew how it went. Usually at the beginning, the woman and kids would dance, then some would leave, the kids would go until they got tired but every time a good song came on they'd go back out there. Eventually, a good song would come on and everyone would be on the dance floor, but after that it's go back to woman and children, and the occasional single guy. This however, was very different at my wedding. This wedding consisted of vampires and wolves, who surprisingly got along. There were lots of slow dances where everyone was on the floor, and lots of fun dances where Edward, Jasper, Emmett, and Jake, would dance with Rae and Renesme. Eventually, we even got Sam to dance. The night certainly was one not to forget.

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