Chapter 9

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In the end, I liked the way my hair turned out

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In the end, I liked the way my hair turned out. It made me look younger. I pull on one of the new outfits I bought, and walk down the stairs slowly. I was walking slow because I was concentrating on the noise around Rae. I didn't want anyone to make a big deal about it.

All I could hear was Esme and Rosalie cleaning up Rae and baby talking with her, so I though I'd be okay. What I didn't know, was that Alice was sitting there on her computer. "Lili! I love your hair!" She says loudly. Esme and Rosalie turn and Rae claps, babbling.

Rosalie smiled. "I love it too!"

Esme nods. "It makes you look younger!" I smile brightly.

"Thank you, Rae picked it out." Bella runs in to see what all the commotion is about and smiles, hugging me.

"I love the colour!" She says. I laugh because it's similar to hers.

"Okay, Rae and I are going to Sam's, but I'll be back in time for you ladies to have your night with Rae, wherever you're taking her." I say. "Knowing Emily, she probably won't need to be fed." I chuckle.

I leave them with Rae for a second to walk into the living room and find Emmett playing video games. "Have you been playing video games all morning?" I ask pointedly. He grunts in response and I shake my head. I walk over to the Xbox and unplug it.

"Hey!" He booms.

"Hey's for horses." I respond. "What're you doing tonight?" I ask him.

"Going hunting with Jasper and Edward." He says, grumpy. "I lost all my stuff," Emmett mumbled, complaining. I smiled and walked back into the kitchen where Rosalie smiled at me.

"You're not setting a good example for my child, Emmett." I mumble back to him, knowing he can hear me. "Come on, Rae. We're going to go meet Grandpa!" I smile at her and her bright blue eyes light up with happiness. "And Uncle Jake," I finish. Alice puts her down and she stumbles over to me, making grabby hand motions with her arms lifted over her head. I pick her up, as requested, and balance her on my hip. "Are we running or driving?" I ask her sweetly. She doesn't answer but finds an interest in my brown hair. "Running it is." I grab the bag from one of the dining chair's and step outside. I start to run, clutching Rae to my chest. I stop at the end of the driveway. "Ready?" She nods her head excitedly and I walk up the driveway, passing Billy's truck. I walk up to the front door and open it without invite. "Hello?" I call out. In the kitchen, everyone sits eating and talking. They grow silent at the sound of my voice. Jake gets up and comes over to hug me and Aubrey Rae. "Hey," I whisper.

He kisses my cheek and kisses Rae on her forehead, taking her from my arms. He tickles her bare feet, because I saw no point in putting shoes on her. "Hello," He says to me. "Hello, baby girl," He says to Rae. She giggles and he takes a strand of my hair in his hand. I stand there, uncertain. He can tell I'm not overly confident. "Beautiful." He whispers softly, just loud enough for me to hear. I walk further into the house and everyone's eyes fall on me and Jake, who's still carrying Rae.

My Escape / 𝐜. 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now