Chapter 3

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In the end, my room was much different than the rest of the house

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In the end, my room was much different than
the rest of the house. While the rest of the house had lots of subtle colours, mine was full of colour, patterns and texture. I'd gone for a bohemian style, and was gonna pay for it but Alice insisted.

The room wasn't very large, so in one corner, I set up an office space. I loved to write but I hadn't done it in a while, so I thought I'd start up again. In between my office and my small living area, was a small gap on the wall beside the door, so I decided to fill it with my books. This has taken three days since we'd traveled up to my small apartment in Alaska. I'd escaped out there for the past year.

I plopped down on the couch and looked at Alice and I's work. "I didn't know you'd lived in Alaska for a while." She said. I shrugged, and she stood up. "Let's go get everyone else to show them!" She said cheerfully.

I groaned. "No! Alice we don't have to! Please!" I begged. There was a small gust of wind and the whole Cullen clan was now standing either in my small room or in the doorway.

"This is nice!" Emmett said, coming to sit beside me on the couch and kick his feet up on the coffee table. I pushed them off with my hands and sent him a glare, and he responded by raising his hands in defeat while everyone else smiled or chuckled at the interaction. To be honest, I'd almost been trying to evade certain people. Not that they were mean or anything, they were far from that really, but people like Emmett, Edward and Carlisle had made me feel a little shy and uncomfortable. It wasn't their fault, I just felt that way. In general, I pretty much refused to talk to Carlisle outside of our appointments, which I'd only had one of, but they were going to be at the house in his study now.

"This is definitely different then the rest of the house..." Esme said, with a fake smile. She was very welcoming, and very sweet, don't get me wrong. But those actions almost seemed forced.

"I like it! It's so bright and cheerful in here!" Alice said excitedly. I nodded and smiled at the girl. Even know she didn't know it, she made me feel better.

"I think it's nice, too! The difference from this and the rest of the house is like a reflection of your personality." Carlisle said thoughtfully. Rosalie nodded and I looked to my bookcase. Carlisle followed my eye and walked over to look at the bookshelf. There were lots of books, but five stuck out most to them. The shell of the book was white, with no writing on the back or the side. On the front, in a fancy gold font were the initials: L.G.B. He read them and raised an eyebrow. "Lilith Black?" He asked.

"Lilith Grace Black." I cleared up. "I don't have a middle name. Technically when you call me Lilith, it's a nickname." They all stared at me in wonder. "I wrote them in college."

At this revelation, Jasper peeks up. "Can I read them?" He asks.

I shake my head without even letting him finish. "No, no, no one's ever read those but me!" I say quickly.

My Escape / 𝐜. 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now