Chapter 10

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Once I got back to the house, I showered, rinsing out the temporary brown hair dye

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Once I got back to the house, I showered, rinsing out the temporary brown hair dye. I blow dryer my hair and picked a dress I'd bought earlier that morning, which I never thought I'd actually wear anytime soon. I pulled my hair back, and let some strand of hair fall to frame my face, then pulled on the bright red lace dress. I put a matching red lipstick on, and put a little bit of mascara on. I pulled on black flats, and looked at myself in the mirror. It wasn't a lot, but I looked nice. A knock sounded at my door and Carlisle walked in. "Lili-woah!" He stopped in his tracks. "You look nice," He stutters and I smile. "The girls are leaving now, they just wanted me to let you know." I nod.

"Thank you, Carlisle." I grab my black leather clutch and start down the stairs. "Have fun!" I say to the girls. Their eyes widen. "Don't stay out too late!"

Alice comes up to me and fixes a strand of my hair. "You look beautiful! Paul's a lucky guy!" The other girls smile and nod in agreement behind her. "Okay! Let's go!" Alice says excitedly.

Rosalie trails behind the girls, stopping to talk to me. "We're bringing her shopping to get her a new wardrobe. Alice insisted." She hugs me tightly. "Don't be out too late, and stay safe." I nod and she leaves. I go into the living room and sit down on the couch with a book. Carlisle sits in a chair across the room, also reading.

"The boys already left?" I ask and he nods. "You're not going with them?"

He shakes his head. "I'm meeting up with them after, they just claimed they had something to do before we go hunting." I frown, wondering what they had to do. "I don't know, so just don't ask." He says shortly, going back to reading his book.

"Carlisle," I stop for a moment to think my next words, while he looks up from his book. "Do you think Jasper would like to be Rae's godfather?" I ask him and before he answers a voice behind me answers.

"I'd love to!" I turn to see all three boys standing there with their muddy shoes on.

I roll my eyes and scold them. "Take your muddy shoes off at the door or else you're cleaning it up!"

Emmett raises his hands in surrender before talking to the boys. "I'm not fighting with angry mom! I had to deal with her this morning!" He says, slipping his shoes off and picking them up to bring them to the front door. Carlisle chuckles from behind his book. Edward scoffs and slips off his shoes.

"Yes, ma'am," He says quietly. I smile and he comes over to me, lightly kissing my cheek. "You look lovely." He grabs his shoes and walks off.

I turn to look at Jasper and see that he's already brought his shoes to the front door. "Anyway," He chuckles. "I'd love to be her godfather!"

"Okay," I breath out.

"Lili," Carlisle calls from the living room. I send Jasper a smile before going into the living room, to see Carlisle putting an envelope down on the coffee table. "This came in the mail, your name on it." I sit beside him and rip it open to find copies of the adoption papers. I skim through them and Carlisle reads them from over my shoulder. "My name's on this-" I cut him off quickly.

My Escape / 𝐜. 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now