Chapter 5

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Contrary to my lazy style the day before, I'd decided to wear high waisted jeans with a cute black long sleeve decorated with flowers, and added a hat and sunglasses because the sun was just peaking through the clouds today

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Contrary to my lazy style the day before, I'd decided to wear high waisted jeans with a cute black long sleeve decorated with flowers, and added a hat and sunglasses because the sun was just peaking through the clouds today. This change in style had caught everyone's attention when I came downstairs a few minutes after Rosalie had left. They were all sitting around downstairs, so when I'd come into the living room to ask Emmett where the keys were (they were hanging in the garage) everyone looked up in surprise. Alice looked happiest of all that I was actually wearing something that didn't include sweatpants or leggings.

I drove to Sam's house, and when I'd arrived everyone else looked just as surprised. "Lilith! Why're you all dressed up." Jake asked when I opened the door.

I punched his arm hard. "I can't just wear nice clothing?" He rubbed his arm in pain.

"And she's back." Quill mumbled.

"I'll punch you too, Quill. You better watch it." I threatened. He shrunk a little in his seat and Sam laughed, as he just entered the room.

"How's it going?" I ask him, referring to the search.

"Good!" He said cheerfully, kissing my forehead. "You look nice today." He complimented.

"Thank you," I said cheerfully before turning to look at the younger boys at the table. "Take notes, boys." I raised an eyebrow before taking a look at who was here. All the boys but Paul were here today.

Just as I thought that, he entered. "Lili, you look lovely today." He said, with a posh accent.

"Thank you, Lahote." I responded with a posh accent of my own. He smiled and I returned it.

"Listen, Lili," He rubbed his neck nervously. "I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go to lunch sometime?" He looked at me uncertainly, almost scared of what I'd answer.

I sucked in an unneeded breath and sent him a small smile. "I'd love to, Paul." He breaks out into a large smile and exhales. "How about Saturday?" I ask and he nods his head. "Sam, can I talk to you privately?" Sam shakes his head yes and kisses Emily on the lips quickly before leading me into the living room.

"Lilith, I don't have much more to go off of other than where you left her."

"Her name is Aubrey Rae Black. Aubrey Rae is her first name, she doesn't have a middle one." Sam smiles at her name, given it's the same idea as mine.

"That'll help a lot, thanks." I hug him and make my way back to the Cullen's house. When I get there, everyone's scattered around the house, but the person I worried about most, looked ready to pounce.

When I entered the living room, Esme was sitting there with something in her lap. "Wonderful!" She says. I take a closer look at what's in her lap, and realize it's a book. My book, to be exact. "I always wondered how good of an author you really were, and I found out that you're an excellent one! So excellent, that the moments in this book are almost realistic." I could almost feel my heart beating in my chest.

My Escape / 𝐜. 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now