Chapter 13

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The next day, I'd woken up Rae for a bath, then made her some pancakes for breakfast

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The next day, I'd woken up Rae for a bath, then made her some pancakes for breakfast. Rosalie and Alice then whisked her upstairs to get dressed, wanting to pick the perfect outfit. We were meeting Alex today, and saying goodbye to Esme.

I went upstairs to find an outfit, and ended up deciding on high-waisted skinny jeans and a red sleeveless top. I checked the time and saw that it was nearing 10 am, which was when Alex was going to come. I opened my door to leave only to be swarmed by Alice, Bella, Rosalie, Rae, and a Renesme. "Shouldn't you be helping Esme?" I asked

Bella shook her head. "She refuses any help."

Alice came up beside me and fiddled with the bottom of my shirt. "I want this when you're done with it!" She said, bouncing off.

I raised an eyebrow. "Does she not get that you can re-wear clothing?" I asked.

Jasper kissed my cheek as he was walking by and mumbled. "Not really." I followed him down the stairs, and I was followed by Renesme, Bella, and Rosalie who was giving Rae a piggy-back ride.

I turned to walk into the dinning room and was still being followed by the girls. "Are you just going to shadow me?" I ask and then they all rush off. I frown at their weird behaviour and hear the sound of an engine outside. I check the time: 10:01 am. "Okay then..." I don't move from my spot beside the table, and Carlisle comes in.

"Coming, darling?" He holds his hand out for me to grab.

I take hold of it but don't move. "What if he doesn't want to see me?" I ask softly. "Or what if he doesn't like Rae?" I frown and Carlisle pulls me tightly to his chest.

"Now, why wouldn't he want to see you?" He rubs my back soothingly and I don't move. "He's stupid if he doesn't want to see you... and if he doesn't like Rae, well then he's missing out on a lot." He kisses my temples.

"I'm really happy she chose you as her dad." I smile and kiss his cheek lightly before resting my head on his shoulder.

"Well, you're stuck with me now." He chuckles. "Let's go." He pulls away and leads me to the door, opening it for me. I thank him and come outside to see everyone watching Esme and the dark-haired man I'd recognize anywhere. "You must be Alex, I'm Carlisle." He introduces himself to Alex, shaking his hand.

"It's very nice to meet you, Carlisle." Alex smiles before looking at me. I stick my hand out for him to shake and he shakes his head, grabbing my hand and pulling me into a hug.

"I thought you died." I whisper into his shoulder.

"I did." He chuckles and I pull back, punching his arm hard. He rubs his arm and murmurs a small "Ow."

"I'm serious. I stayed with you for five days, and nothing happened. I thought I was poisonous!" I say defensively. "And then I left for a bit, and came back and you were gone. I thought an animal had taken you!" I punched his arm again, just as hard as the first time.

"I'm sorry! I turned, and woke up all alone. I thought you'd left me, so I ran." He explains shortly. I nod, and out of the corner of my eye I see Rosalie hand off Rae to Carlisle, who whispers that she looks very pretty in her outfit.

"You're very handsome, daddy." She whispers back. He chuckles lightly. A small frown overtakes Alex's features.

"How old is she?" He asks.

I sigh. "Four." His eyes widen and he looks from Rae to me. I nod my head. "She's yours." I say. He walks over to Rae cautiously.

"Hi, I'm Alex." He says softly to the little girl in Carlisle's arms.

"I'm Aubrey Rae!" She answers excitedly.

His eyes widen even more. "You named her after my mother and grandmother?" He asks me. I nod. "They always acted like my own mother and grandmother, so I figured I might as well." I nod. I glance over at Jasper who smiles at me, and at Edward, who does the same.

The others start talking to him and I find my place beside Carlisle, who's no longer holding Rae because Alex is. I grab his hand and he squeezes mine. "That went better than I thought it would." I sigh.

"Yes, yes it did." He smiles down at me and I return the smile. "I think everything's going to be alright after all." He says softly.

Our faces are inches apart, and at this moment I forget everything around us. It's like we're the only two people here. I lift my hands up to cup his face and pull him in for a deep kiss. He freezes for a second before melting into the kiss, wrapping his arms around my back. We pull back after a few seconds and rest our foreheads together. "What happened to waiting a bit?" He chuckled.

"I'm tired of waiting for things to happen. I told you I was gonna take control, so here I am." I sighed and closed my eyes. "I truly believe, that if you're ready, you shouldn't wait. You should do it before it's too late. We have all the time in the world, but to me, that doesn't matter. Because I want to use that time like there's no tomorrow." I open my eyes and smile at him. "I love you." I whisper to him.

"I love you, too." He smiles back at me, and looks human. He doesn't look stiff, or concerned, he looks happy. I smiled back, and in that moment, I realized time doesn't matter, it's what you did with the time you have. I realized that Carlisle is what brought out my human side. He is my saviour. He is, my escape.

The End

More chapters ahead!
Word count: 1011

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