Chapter 1

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Alexander Milan, 28 years old. Leader to a russian-america mafia group. He have everything in his life money, power everything. His mafia group was a feared group ever. Yes they don't deal with drug and women but they have a lot of club around the world so even FBI can't arest them because they clean. But they are not weak, when it came to group matter, the next day everyone will see blood.

Everyone always think that be Alexander their life will be wonderfull and always happy. But not for Alexander. He always think his life still not complete. He have all the money this world can give to him but he still craving for one thing. SOMEONE TO TAKE CARE OF.

Yes he have a siblings but this is different. He want someone that he can treated as baby brother but in the same time he want he to call him DADDY.

And maybe God hear his suffering because one night when he make a decision to take a walk from one of his club to his nearby penthouse ( of couse he still be guarded by his bodyguard who hidding in the shadow) he stumble into tiny creature. He being 7 foot tall give him advantage to towering over the creature. In the coner of his eyes he can see all his men were ready to protect him if anything happen. He just raised his hand to give a signal to his men to calm down.

"Hello there little one, what are you doing out here in the dark alone? And where your parent?" Alexander ask the little boy. He eyes goes widden when he saw the beautiful blue ocean coloured eyes staring into his own dark black eyes.

"MY CUB" his inner self spoke after a long time be silent. Yes he is a werewolf.

In this world creature such as werewolf and vampire are exist. But like vampire they are not killed human to drink their blood they can survive without blood for a century. And like a vampire too werewolf is immortal. They still can be killed but it hard to kill them. Every 20 human years it just 1 year to vampire and werewolf. But vampire and werewolf apperances will stop ageing at the age of 30 years old. So all in all vampire, werewolf and human can lived together without try to kill each other. Okay back to the story.

"I'm sorry sir but i'm not a little kid. I'm 18 years old ." The little boy responde make Alexander mind come back to him.

"He must be kidding me? There is no way he 18 years old he just like 3 foot tall" Alexander thought to himself. He look at the little boy and his mind keep thinking that he should take the boy with him.

"Aawwww, he so cute" Alexander thought when he see that little boy let out a little yawn.

"Hey do you want to come with me? It kind of cold tonight and I think i can cook something hot for you." Ask Alexander towards the boy. He know his question is kind of stupid because who in their right mind will follow someone that they barely meet and ask them to come with them to go nowhere they don't know.

"It kind of you sir but i think i'm okay." reply the little boy.

"DO SOMETHING" roawing Alexander inner self. He look at the conner of his eyes and he can see that the boy try to walk away from him. With fast thinking he pulled something out from his coat pocket, something like a spray bottle. He grab hold of the little boy hand and when the little boy look up at him, he spray the little boy. He see the beautiful eyes of the boy rolled to the back of his head and when the boy want to tumble to the ground with his fast ability he scooped the boy into his arms.

"Finally i have what i always wanted in my life" said Alexander to no one in particular.


I am really sorry if my writing is bad because english is not my first language. But i will try my best to share with you all about my imagination.

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