Chapter 16

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(This video is not belong to me it's belong to respective owner. I just found this video in youtube)

Alexander POV

After dinner everything went smoothly for today. Daniel already warm up towards the twins Ashton and Asher, and Armin.But Asher and Shawn most of the time disappear who know where but I did not mind because they deserve alone time to catch up with their relationship. Yeah I know Asher always came here to flirt with Shawn but still, they still have lot of thing to discuss. And Jacob, he look happy even he willing to give Daniel a night time bath and thank God Daniel just let him to bathed him. But when I look into his eyes I know he was distressed.

I look down into the crib when I heard a whimper. Daniel was scrunched up his face because his pacifier fall from his mouth. I chuckle and pick up the pacifier and put it back into his mouth. Well it just 8 p.m right now so me and the others adults will have time to discuss something without to worry about little prince because he seem to fall into his headspace this evening so he tired himself out while playing with his uncles. But I still not expect him still in headspace tomorrow because he still new with the change of enviroment.

I walk out from the nursery after check the baby monitor is on. On my way down the hall, I meet with Jacob who just leave his room. Yes Jacob and Shawn stayed in this mansion because they are submissive and I don't want to take a risk other dominant attack. Other submissive in my pack stay at house pack just beside of this mansion that been guarded by my pack other dominants or stay at their dominant mate house that's still inside my teritory perimeter.

Back to the case in hand. I go to Jacob and bring him into my arms for a hug. At first he didn't respond but after a few second he return the hug. But my heart ached after I heard something that I did not want to hear ever from any of my pack, crying. Jacob was crying. I just let him and pull him more closer to me with his head tucked under my chin while rubbing small sothing circle on his back. After awhile, Jacob stop crying but I still hugging him. I put my nose at the top of his hair and breath in his scent. I can smell he already relaxed.

"I'm sorry for weting your expensive shirt with my poor tears". He said without moving his head away from my chest but I still can hear joking tone in his voice.

"It's okay. You deserve to cry out all of your emotion after all of us learned the truth". I said to him.

We apart and I take my handkerchief out and wipe his tears stained face.

"I really miss them you know. That's why all this time I feel that I was complete but there is something missing". He said while handing back my handkerchief and I take it back and put it in my pants back pocket.

"I know how you feel. I really miss them too. Let's go to the living room. Everyone must be waiting for us now". I said and put my hand on his small waist and guide him to the living room.

In the living room, I sat on the single armchair while Jacob sat on the floor at my legs with his back to me. Well Jacob can be very clingy when he upset so I just let him sit there. Shawn and Asher sat beside each other on the loveseat while holding their hands. But what make me confused is Armin and Ashton. Armin sat at the long cough but at the far end away from all of us and he face was pouting. While Ashton is no where to be found. I sigh.

"Armin what is wrong?". Thank God it was Jacob who asked the question.

"You ask what is wrong with me? Well if you look closely around us we can see that the love birds sits together, you and Alex sit close to each other because you always clingy when you upset. But me, I all alone here by my self. How that not make me jealous?". Huffed Armin cutely and how I want to believe he a dominant.

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