Chapter 6

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Daniel POV

Did you know how it feel when you know you already wake up but you can't open your eyes? Well that how i feel right now. I can hear a sound of bird chipping but i don't know where is it because i still can't open my eyes. I relax myself and try to open my eyes and i been met with a success. I look at my surrounding and i see wooden bars around me. When i look up i can see a big window at my left and at the other side of the window i can see a bird. A very beautiful blue bird. I get up to sitting position and look at my surrounding again. I was in a beautiful room. In this room have 4 doors, 2 at my left, one in front of me and one at my right. Also in this room have a very big table with a cabinet under it. The floor was carpeted with bright red fluffy carpet. I take a look at what i'm sleep in and i figure it was a bed but with wooden bars around it, i don't know what this bed called. Beside this right bed, it have a chair but the legs was different it's like shape of half moon and it made of a nice looking wood also it has a cussion lying on it. I look at left of this bed and saw a small table with something that have a red light beeping from it (the baby monitor).

I try to stand up on the bed with my hand has a good grib at the bars. And you know what, the wooden bars was taller than me. Why i don't be born as little people?(whoever little people who read this i want to say that i'm not mocking you) At least little people just not tall and they have a mature face BUT ME i was born normal but with the lack of food i'm short and still have baby face. And with this apperances people will mistaken me with a 7 years old or less. I look down at myself and see that i was wearing a white shirt that have something attached at the back of it coller and this shirt reach until at my knee. I felt something was put at my lower region. OHHHH NOW I REMEMBER THE LAST NIGHT EVENT. OMG I was put in a diaper, i hope i didn't used it yet. I try to reach one of my hand to feel the diaper to make sure i did not use it but when i let go of the bars, i was falling down on my bum and let out a scream. And my question has been answered, i used my diaper.

Maybe i was so caught in my though that i didn't relizes the door at my right is being open. I look up and saw the man from last night. He came towards me and lowered the bars down. How he do that? I move myself towards the conner of the bed(crib) . "Hey there baby, don't be afraid it just daddy." He said to me. He try to pick me up but i move to another conner. "Baby, this is the first warning don't runaway when daddy try to pick you up understand?" He said with a stern voice. I was to afraid of him and i just nod my head and let him pick me up and be put at his hip. Yeah this man was like twice or more than my size he could easily crash me if he want. He walk over to the weird chair and sat down on it. He cradle me on his lap and make me facing up at him. I just look up at his face and all of sudden the chair was moving back and forth. How he do it? The movement make me relax.

"Now let's talk about what is happening okay?" He said softly with his dark black eyes locked with mine. I just nodded my head. "Verbal answer please." He said sternly. "Okay Sir". He just chuckle. What it so funny? "Okay first my name is Alexander BUT for you it will be DADDY, did i make myself clear?" He ask me. "Yes". "Yes what? What did i said to you to call me?" "Yes daddy" "Good boy". He said and kisses my forehead. "Okay actually at first i want to tread you like my BABY brother but when i think for some time i want to tread you like my own BABY instand because my inner self told me that you are MY YOUNGLING, MY CUB so i want you to call me daddy at all time. And i really want to know what is your name baby?" "Daniel". I said to him. "Daniel? You meant just Daniel? No last name?" He ask me. "Yes just Daniel i don't know what is my last name is." I told him.

"Okay now before we start with the rules i want to know your story. Why did you was at the streets last night and alone?" He ask me. Well i think i will just tell him the truth because from what i see he not a man you can easily lie to. "Well actually last night i runaway from a orphanage." "Why did you runaway from the orphanage baby?". I can feel my cheeks getting hot when he call me baby. "Well i was been treated different from any other child." "What do you meant you have been treated different?" "Well i always get beaten EVERY single day and not been feed for many days. I don't know what i did wrong for Mr.Bruno to always beaten me. But when any other child do wrong he just let them go." I shiver a bit when a flashback of Mr.Bruno beat me up when one of the child broke a plate and he know about it but he just blame me for it and to make it worst the child just smirk at me when he see Mr.Bruno dragged me to the basement.

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