Chapter 12

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Daniel POV

Uncle Jacob take me to dining room and feed me some food for lunch he said. I don't know what breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner this people called mean but if it related to food i will go with it. I'm having what the chef called rice and chicken porridge, and some steam vegetable that contain carrot, green beans and that evil creature broccoli. I'm glad that the porridge and vegetable was served in a small bowl because i'm afraid if it was served in a big bowl i can't finish it. And of course i eat everything except the broccoli.

Uncle Jacob was feeding me my last spoon of porridge when daddy walk into the room. He come towards us and see into my bowl of vegetable and after that he sigh. OH MY GOD. Did i disappointed him? He tap Uncle Jacob on his shoulder and told him he will take from here. Uncle Jacob nod his head and kiss my forehead before leaving the room.

Daddy sit down on the chair that Uncle Jacob just sit earlier beside the highchair. "Baby why don't you eat your veggie?" He ask me. "I already eat my veggie". I told him. He forked some of the evil thing using a fork and brought it up to my mouth. "Pwease daddy bwocolli taste funny". I pleaded to him for not force me to eat the evil stuff with my best puppy dog eyes. I don't know why but when i'm sick or in the verge of crying, i'm sound like a real baby and i will be so sensitive.

He sigh again and put down the fork on the highchair tray. "Okay just for this time but you will not get a bed time story tonight". My eyes widen with daddy statement for me not get a bed time story tonight. "Nooo, pwease daddy, you hav ta wead bed time stowy". Daddy grin and pick the fork up and brought the broccoli towards my mouth again. "Okay if you want a bed time story you have to be a good boy and good boy eat their broccoli". "So me eat bwocolli me be good boy and good boy get ta hav bed time stowy?". "Yes baby you eat your broccoli you will be a good boy and deserve a bed time story". "Okay me eat bwoccoli, me good boy, tonight daddy wead stowy". He nod his head and i eat all of the broccoli with the tears roll down my cheeks.

Uncle Shawn handed daddy a bottle of warm milk that i really want to drink for heaven sake while he pick me out from the highchair. Daddy bring us to a room that i never seen before. "This room is daddy office where daddy do his work". Ohh, so this is his work place. He sit down on the couch that in the room and positioned me on his lap while my head resting on the crook of his arm to give me my bottle. He put the bottle to my mouth and i latched and sucking on it. "Little prince daddy have something to tell you, can you give me all of your attantion please?". What he want to tell me?. "Otay". I say around the nipple of the bottle and make a little bit of the milk run down my chin. Daddy chuckle and take a napkin from the coffee table in front of us and wipe down the spilled milk on my chin.

Alexander POV

After i clean his chin, i throw away the used napkin into a dustbin beside the cough. "Baby listen". He look up at me with those big beautiful blue ocean eyes of him while still sucking his bottle. Awww he soooo cute. Those eyes really remained me of HIM. I take a deep breath. Well this is it.

"Baby you are my biological son".

I look down at him, he eyes widen before he chocked some of the milk. I work fast to pull out the bottle from his mouth and put him chest to chest with me while he head rested on my shoulder and softly pat his back. Well i already prepair for this reaction.


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