Chapter 10

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Alexander POV

I woke up to the sound of someone crying. I look at the digital clock on my bedside nightstand and it read 02:00 a.m . Well maybe Daniel having a nightmare. I get out from my lovely warm bed and walk straight to the attached door to his nursery. I walk in to the nursery and the sight nearly broke my heart to pieces. My baby was sitting in his crib with red face and tears rolled down his cheek and one of the plushie the cat one hugged tightly to his chest. I go over to him and pull down the crib side bars and pick him up. He tensed a bit but i don't care.

"Hey baby what's wrong? Did you having a nightmare?" He nodded his head that was resting at the crook of my neck. "Do you want to talk to daddy about your nightmare? Maybe it will help you a little." He shake his head no. Well i don't want to push him. "Daddy" i swear to God if i'm not a werewolf i will not hear him call me daddy. This is the first time he call me daddy. "Yes baby" "Stowy daddy wead it is twue? Babies magic bwing family togethew?". Now what i gonna say to him? I can't lie to him but me myself believe with the story. Well i will say what i think to him. "I don't know baby but daddy believe the story because daddy grow up with the story and the story is my daddy favourite. What do you think baby did you believe with the story?"

I look down at him and he have this face like someone was thinking really hard but with the dry tears on his cheek he just look adorable. "Me don't know daddy but me dweam two guys look at i and smile. And....a-and.." I look at his face and he has a fresh tears that ready to spilled anytime soon. "Shhh baby you don't have to push yourself okay? How about we continue it tomorrow?" "Nooooo me want daddy know nowww" "Okay okay daddy listen now please continue" "Someone bad..... take me away..... the nice guys.....on the gwound. And daddy came to me." Aww my baby really having a bad dream. "Shh baby it just a dream the bad guy won't come to you. If they come and try to hurt you daddy will make uncle Jacob spank their butt okay". I look down when i hear a giggle. "Daddy?" "Yeah baby" "Sleepy with you?" Well i love to cuddle with my little prince. "Sure but let me make you a bottle first i bet you my daddy little prince must be thirsty with all the crying he make" I say this while i tickle his belly and he just let out the most adorable laughter i ever heard before.

I sit down on the chair at the little table with Daniel on my lap his back facing my chest. I pull the little basket closer to me and pull out a bottle, thermost, a bottle of water and a formula milk that been put into tiny container. I open the lit to the bottle and pour a warm water from the thermost until the baby bottle was 1/4 full with it and i put 2 scoop of baby formula into it and put a room temperature water into the bottle until it half full. Well if i make a full bottle of milk i bet my baby can't finish it before he went to sleep again. The last thing i do is put the lit back to the bottle and secure it before i shake it a little to blend the formula with the water. After sastified i get up with my baby in one hand while the other hold the bottle and walk to my room. I closed the door behind me and make my way to my welcoming warm bed. I laying down on my side and put little prince beside me. I open the cap of the bottle and went to put it on the nightstand but Daniel beat me to it when he reach his little hand towards the cap from my hand and play with it. I sigh at his cuteness. I put the nipple of the bottle in his mouth while he cooed to the cap and he immediately suck on it. I let him hold the bottle with one of his hand and reach my hand to pull the blanket and cover both of us with it.

He was facing his head the other way but i don't mind. I just put my right hand on his belly and rub it softly while my left hand support my head. Actually, before i woke up to my baby crying i also having a dream. And i think it quite similar with Daniel dream but i don't know it might be a coincindental but it can be true to. My dream is i was huging someone that was holding a newborn baby but i can't see their faces clearly and after that i was laying on the ground with the other guy and someone took the newborm with them and after that i wake up to the sound of Daniel crying.
I hope the dream was not true and it just coincindental that me having a quite same dream with Daniel. I yawn and look down at little prince and saw he already finish the bottle and snuggle up at my chest sleeping. I pick up the empty bottle and put the cap on it and put it on the nightstand. I look at the clock and it read 03:13 a.m. Well i better go to sleep now because tomorrow was a big day for me and also my little baby boy because he will having a medical checkup. I hope i'm not having a fussy baby tomorrow.


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