Chapter 3

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Alexander POV

I pick up my baby and brough him to my nearby penthouse. Well i have to stay at this penthouse tonight until tomorrow morning for me and my men to start our journey to my mansion. He really light, now i really doubt he is 18 years old.

When i walk in into my penthouse, i go straight to my bedroom. I put my baby on the bed. Aawwww he really small. I open my coat and put it on the coat hangger. I walked back to my baby and i start to work with open his clothes. The sight in front of me really caught my breath. My baby body full of bruise. I sweer to God that i will find whoever fucking this person and i will kill them with my bare hand. I take a deep breath and just continued to removes his pants and i notice that my baby wet himself. Well good to know that my baby is still a baby and what make me more happy is i have a couple of diaper in my bathroom cabinet. So i don't have to wake up on the bed that wet with piss.

After removing all the too big clothes from my baby body, i pick him up and make my way to the bathroom. When i step into the bathroom, i settle my baby on my hip with one hand while my other hand reach to open the faucet to fill up the bath tub with water. When the tub was quarter fill up with the water, i stop the faucet. I test the water first to see if the water was the right temperature because i don't want to burn my baby or make him more cold. When i sastified with the temperature, i gently lying down my baby into the water but i'm still holding him with one hand. I reach to grab a little cup that i put together with the toiletries. I scoop a water with the cup and gently pour it into my baby head. I'm carefull with every time i pour the water into my baby so the water did not get into his eyes or nose or mouth. I wash my baby body with soap that specially made for babies and it smell strawberry. After that i wash my baby hair with baby shampoo that also smell strawberry.

After i'm making sure that my baby already clean i pulled the drained and pick him up. I dry my baby with a fluffy towel and wrap him up with big soft and fluffy baby towel that had a hood attached to it. I take my baby out from the bathroom and put him on my bed. I look at my baby for a minute and decided to secure my baby with put a pillow at each side of him. I walk into my walk in closet and pick out one bag. Actually it was a diaper bag. I pull out a hoodie and short from the diaper bag and put it on the bed while i go to the bathroom again and grab a diaper from the bathroom cabinet.

When i came back from the bathroom i see that my baby start to shaking. I rushing to his side and unwrap the towel from him. I pick up his legs with one hand and slid the diaper under his cute bum with the other hand. I powdered him up with baby powder and secure the diaper taps around his waist. I pull on the short around my baby legs until his hips and i put on the hoodie on him. The hoodie is kind of big and it reach my baby knee and it make the short disappear under the hoodie. Well it kind of cute but something was missing. Oh yeah a socks. I reach the diaper bag again and looking into it to find a socks. When i found one i put it on him. The socks just reach his ankle , well it can do for now. I put a blanket on my baby making sure he will not getting cold.

I go to the bathroom to take a quick shower myself but left the bathroom door slightly open in case my baby wake up. After a very refreshing hot shower and i'm dressing in a pair of boxer and white t-shirt i go to the kitchen. I make a bottle of warm milk with sleeping pills in it and i drink a glass of water ,after that i make my way to my bedroom again with the bottle of milk in hand. When i reach the bedroom i see that my baby is sitting on the bed with his eyes barely open. I sit beside him on the bed and put the bottle in the nightstand.

I reach my hand towards him and pick him up and put him on my laps. I make sure that he was facing towards me and secure my left hand around his waist to prevent him from getting away from me. "Hey there baby, did you get a nice nap?" Maybe after hearing my voice his whole body tenses and he look up at me. Oh My God, i really love those beautiful ocean blue eyes. And came the challenges part when he start strugling to get out of my hold. "Hey hey it's okay DADDY here." I tried to sooth him.

"Please let me go." Said my baby. I look at the digital clock that on the nightstand and it read 1 am. I have to put my baby to bed now or he will be a cranky baby tomorrow. "Hey listen, baby i'm promised to you that daddy will explain everythink to you tomorrow okay. Now i just want you to set in your mind that i just want to help you okay. I will not hurt you like whoever that always hurt you." I look down at my baby when i heard a small whimper. He was on the verge of crying. "Hey shh shh daddy will protect you from all the monster."

I laid down on the bed and put my baby besides me. I take the bottle from the nightstand and gently push it towards his lips. He just shut his mouth tight and just stare at it. "Please baby just drink , i bet you really thirsty and this milk is warm. Please just give it a try." I try to coax him. At first he hesitated but he open his mouth and give it a little suck. After a few suck he start to suck faster. I take the bottle away and he let out a whine. OH HE SO CUTE. "Yeah daddy know you thirsty baby but please drink slowly we don't want you to having stomach ache do we?" He shake his head no, i put back the nipple of the bottle into his mouth and he start to suck again but in a slowly pace. I turn around and reach my hand into the nightstand and pick up a remote. I push a button and the light in the bedroom been off and when i push another button a nightlight that on the nightstand been turn on but just at my side, my baby side i did not turn it on.

I look back at my baby and he still have a half bottle of the milk but his eyelids already heavy. I holding the bottle with my right hand and it make my baby tiny hand was under my big hand. After 5 minutes he was out like a light and i take the bottle from his mouth and put it on the nightstand. I turn off my nightlight and pulled my baby towards me. I just stare at his adorable face. He so precious when he sleep. And like my baby , me to drift to sleep. And this time i really sleep with happy content in my heart that i already found someone that i want to take care of.


Hope you enjoy this chapter

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