Chapter 4

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Daniel POV

When i open my eyes i felt really groggy. Where am i? I felt so warm. I take a look at my surroundings and realize that i was lying on a really BIG bed. I get up and just sit on the middle of the bed. I still try to adjust my eyesight because it's too bright in this room. Well my eyes has been used to dark surroundings because lot of my time i have been locked in the basement without any light.

I felt the space beside me on the bed have dip and i feel an arms pick me up and put me down on someone lap and make me facing the figure. "Hey there baby did you get a nice nap?" I tenses up after hearing his voice. Who is this kidnapper call a baby? I'm not a baby. When i look up and look at him, he just stare at me with a smile on his face. I start to wriggle myself to get away from him but he have a strong grip on me. When i try to wriggle myself out, i can feel something soft at my lower part. OH NO. Did he know i can't control my blader? OH MY THIS IS SO EMBARASING.

"Hey hey, it's okay DADDY here." WHAT? Are you kidding me? You are NOT my DADDY and even i don't have a daddy in my life. "Please let me go." He just look at me and turn around his head to look at something that show a number on a small (not small but elegant nightstand but it's okay he don't know it was a nightstand) table. He just rock me back and fort. "Hey listen baby, i promise to you that daddy will explain everything to you tomorrow okay. Now i just want you to set in your mind that i just want to help you okay. I will not hurt you like whoever that always hurt you." DID HE KNOW? When i look down at myself, no doubt he will know about my beating because he change my clothes. Of course he saw all the bruises. I felt tear want to spill from my eyes.

"Hey shh shh, daddy will protect you from the monster." What he mean by monster? Did he refer Mr Bruno as a monster? But what is monster mean? Maybe i was in my own thought for too long that i didn't felt that he already laid down on the bed with me on his side. I back to my sense when i feel something rubbery touching my lips. I look at the bottle he was holding at my lips, it has something white in it and something rubbery at the end. What is this? "Please baby just drink, i bet you really thirsty and this milk is warm. Please just give it a try." Oh so this is milk. I never had milk in my life and i don't know what it taste like. How i was suppose to drink the milk from this kind of bottle? Maybe i have to give a suck? Yes i will try to suck. OH MY GOD. This milk taste really good. It kind of sweet but not too sweet. I like it. I start to suck faster,well i'm so thirsthy and this milk is so warm.

The bottle been pull out from my mouth and i let out a little whine to show my protest. "Yeah daddy know you really thirsthy baby but please drink slowly we don't want you to having stomach ache do we?" He ask me and i just shake my head no. I don't know what the stomach ache mean but i know maybe it something that made my tummy feel hurt. After that he put the bottle back into my mouth and i start to suck on it but at a slower pace this time. When i was half way with the bottle, the light in the room been turn off and something on the table beside the bed been turn on and let out a light but just a little light. He put his large hand on top of my tiny hand that was holding the bottle. And what surprise me more is I STILL DON'T KNOW HIS NAME. Maybe i will just try to call him DADDY? Well my head keep thinking that maybe he is a good guy? After i finish the bottle contain, i went straight to peachful sleep. I hope my inner self about this man was a good guy is true. Well in my life i really want a parents. At the orphanage no one will want to adopt me because everytime someone come to adopt a kid, Mr Bruno will lock me in the basement. I will try to trust this guy.


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