Chapter 13

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Alexander POV

After a while, i put down Daniel in his crib for a little nap because he exhausted himself until he fell asleep because all of those waterwork really worn him out. I can't blame him for crying his heart out until he fell asleep because if i was at Daniel place i will do the same thing too. Yeah, if you been raise up in a abusive household or in Daniel case abusive orphanage and your entiry life you believe that you don't have a parents and always been told you are unwanted that will make you stop to believe that someone will adopt you. And to make it worse when you runaway to safe your life from your abuser you meet a stranger that willing to help you and that stranger accidentel to be your parent. Of course you will be in so much shocked.

I glance towards a clock and it read 1 p.m, well i will let Daniel sleep for an hour or an hour and half because if he sleep more than that i will have a wide awake baby with me tonight to deal with. I walked out the nursery and towards my office. I sit down on my chair behind my huge work table and pick up again the black box. I read again all the contain about Daniel and HIM.


NAME: Daniel Milan
BIRTHDAY: 21 June ____(year use your imagination)
CREATURE: Werewolf + Vampire
NOTE: Taken when he still a baby from his biological parents.Given shot that make him can't used any of his power just like he been turn into a human. How to turn him into his creature again he has to drink blood from both of his biological parents


NAME: Alexander Milan
BIRTHDAY: 15 January ____
CREATURE: Werewolf
NOTE: Have 3 little brother. Given shot to make him forget all about his mate and child. To reverse the shot simple he have to read something that related to his past life and for more effective he have to drink a little bit of his mate blood.


NAME: Adrian Milan/Lauren
BIRTHDAY: 21 June ____
NOTE: Have 1 older brother. Given shot to make he forget about his mate and child. Been sent away with his brother to some secret place to prevent he accidently meet his mate. To reverse the shot he have to read something that related with his past life and for more effective he have to drink some of his mate blood.

After i read the file that contain information about Daniel, i put it down and pick up a letter and read it. Well let just say this fucking Bruno man has been paid 30 thousand dollar to take care of my child because whoever that paid him still want Daniel in healthy state because he or she want to used Daniel againts me. And just look how scrawny my baby is i supposed this Bruno man already spend all the money to do some bullshit instend of take a good care of my baby just in a short time.

Well i read all the black box contain and figure out that not just me and my husband been shot with this forget syrum or wharever they called but also some other people. I pull out my phone and make a few calls after that i called Shawn and Jacob to my office.

"Master what can i do for you?" Shawn ask me when he enter my office. "Yes i have something that you need to do to me." "And what is it Master?" I look him in the eyes and felt pity for him. "Shawn i want you to have a sit on the cough over there and wait for everyone else to arrive." He look me like i have something on my face. "Are you sure Master? Because i think if you have a guests coming over i should escort them and make some drink?" "No need to Shawn. Now i want you to sit, i already ask another maid to make all of us some drinks when my other guests arrive". He look at me for awhile and nod his head before going to sit on one of the cough. After that Jacob come into my office and i tell him to sit beside Shawn and wait. He give Shawn a questioning look but Shawn just shrug his shoulder.

After 1 hour, i heard soft cry coming from baby monitors. I get up from my seat and make my way to little prince nursery. I pick him up and rubbing circle on his back. His cry turn into a snifles. I place him on the changing table and make a quick work to change his messy nappy. Fun fact when you be parents to littles, when you change their messy diapers you can't smell the horrid smell but you will find it cute because your little was using their nappy.

I make Daniel a bottle of warm milk and bring him to my office. When i enter my office with Daniel on my hip, i saw my guests is already arrive and sits on the cough that opposite from Shawn and Jacob sits. I go over to armchair and sit my self with Daniel laying across my lap with his head at the crook of my left arm. I used my right hand to feed little prince his bottle.

I look up and see all eyes on me. Well this is it. "Ashton, Asher and Armin i'm glad that you can coming here". "Well i really want to know who is the child in your arms but right now i just want to know the reason you called us to come back home". Ashton said, well he always the type person who straight to the point. "Yeah big brother, you never called us if we on a mission unless it really emergency". Asher, Ashton twins say. Sometime i will get confuse who is who between this two. So for me to recognize who is who i always stare straight into their eyes because Ashton have blue eyes with spark of green meanwhile Asher have green eyes with spark of blue. I look at Armin and he just nodded his head for me to speak.

"Well all of you see the black box in front of us?". They nod their head. "All of you can read all of the contain and solve the puzzle yourself". I watch everyone start to read the black box contain and all of their espression change into shocked like something click inside their head.

"Brother is it true?". Armin ask me. "Well what all of you just read was true and this child in my hand his name is Daniel. Or should i say Daniel Milan my biological child and your nephew".


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