Chapter 9

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Alexander POV

I feed my baby some dinner which is spaghetti with tomato sauce and some meatball mixed with the sauce. We also having some salad and from what i see my baby love to eat onion and carrot just like me but he really hate to eat broccoli. I have to make a deal with my baby if he eat three piece of broccoli i will read him a book before he went to sleep. Of course he eat it but the waterfall is still there. After that i give him some water to drink. I hold the glass filled with clear water near his mouth and he take a sip until he drink 1/3 of the water and push my hand gently. And our dinner end with my baby have a trace of dry tear stained his cheek and my hand rubbing his back to calm him down.

I stand up with my baby in hand and walk to the kitchen. He lay his head on my shoulder and i glance down at him and see his eyes slowly to go to dreamland. I bounce him a little while saying "Hey baby don't go to sleep yet because you still not drink your milk" he just whined with tear at the brim of his eyes. "Hey if you don't want to drink the milk it's okay but i still gonna make you drink one but i think you don't want to missed bed time story do you?" After hearing what i said his faced me with wide eyes and he quickly saying "No missed stowy. Please read stowy" awww he so adorable. I think he slowly want to get into his headspace. "Okay if you don't want to missed bed time story please stay awake for daddy. Can you do it?" He just nod his little head and make his black hair with string of blond hair that curly a little flying everywhere. When i see at this boy properly he have black and string of blond hair, beautiful ocean blue eyes that sparkle like a beautiful diamond, white paled skin maybe because he not exposed a lot to the sun back at the orphanage, little button nose and small pinkish lip that if in the dark it look slightly red i think i have seen someone with this kind of lip before but i don't know where and when.

Compare to me, i have black hair and eyes, i used to have white skin but because i always exposed to sun rays when i take a run at the forest behind the mansion my skin became a little tanned but i don't mind it at all. And my lips just a pale pink and always in the thin line because of my position. A whimper snap me out of my though. I make a quick work to make a bottle of milk with one hand because i decline one of my butler offer to help me with the bottle. Well if you want to make your little trust you, you have to show them your effection and cares towards them.

"Shawn" i call my loyal butler name. "Yes Master?" "Could you prepair a little basket that contains a thermost bottle with lukewarm water in it, a bottle of clear water, a couple of baby bottle and a baby formula. I want you to sent it to the nursery because i just want to prepair if little prince wake up at night and i don't want to exit my room. Got it?" "Yes Master i will sent it right away after i clean the table" "Good". After i secure the lit to the bottle  i put on the cover to prevent any milk spill on the floor when we went our way to the room. When i get to the nursery i go straight to the rocking chair but i pick up a book on the book shelf before settle my self on the rocking chair. I position my baby so his head laying at the crook of my left hand and my right hand open the bottle cover and put it at little prince mouth. I wait until he open his mouth and suck on it and i let him hold the bottle. I pick up the book with my free hand now and to read it. The book is about a true mates that having a child but they have been separate from each other for the safety of their child but in the end the family reunited again because of the child magic.

After i finish reading the book i look down to see my little prince is trying to fight the sleep but failed misserable because when i start to hum a song he went limp in my arms. I stand up from the rocking chair but still be careful to not josted the little prince. I put down the book on the little table and go over to the crib. I put down my baby on the mattress and put the blanket over him. I heard the door to the nursery is being open but i don't glance at my back to look whoever it is because i know it must be Shawn. "Master, i bring the things you request me to do and i will put it on the little table beside the rocking chair." He said with a hushed tone to not make my baby wake up. I just look at him and nod my head. I look him put the basket down and reach something from inside the basket. He come toward me and give me the thing in his hand and i take it. It was a cute blue pacifer. "I think that this might help little master sleep well" he said. "Thanks Shawn you may leave but tomorrow i want you to help me do some baby shoping if you don't mind?" "I will glad to help you Master." He bow and left the room but not before pick up the finished bottle on the table. I look down to the precious one and smile. I put the blue pacifer in his mouth and wait until he suck on it. I just stare at him for a while and left the room but before that i turn off the main light and swith on the night light.

I get to my room and strip my self from my clothes and get to the bathroom. I take a warm shower to relax my tense muscles. After i finish with the shower i wore my pajama bottem but did not give a fuck to wear my pajama top and went to laid down on my bed. I hope whatever that i will learn tomorrow about my baby identity and health result did not effect me too much. I really want to know who is this kid real parents and why just his profile that been hide and why he was so small for his aged? For what i know if you been born to be a little you still can grow until 5 foot tall because if you meet with your true guardian they can have strength to pick you up. And if you got werewolf or vampire as your guardian you don't have to worry about their strength to pick you up.

What make me more curious is my baby have a scent. From what i know if the little is human they don't have a scent like werewolf or vampire little. Or if the human little been claim as werewolf or vampire little they will smelt like their guardian after been shot with their guardian blood to make them change into werewolf or vampire or both. And from my own research that it was impossible for my baby already been claim by anyone else from his story because he just say he been beaten up and let starving and not give any shot.


Okay Alexander just calm down and take  some sleep it will help you. I let out a breath and closed my eyes and try to sleep and after a while i get to go to dreamland.


I know someone really want to know about Daniel death but please be passion. I will update another chapter real quick because now i'm happy and in the mood to writing. Don't afraid to leave a comment maybe a little vote don't hurt. Love you guys that willing to read my story even i know my english is bad.

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