Chapter 2

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First of all, i want to thank to everyone who vote my first chapter and who read my story. I want to say that, i don't care if you don't want to vote my story BUT i really hope whoever who read my story can give me a comment or share your idea with me. And i hope all of you can share my story with your friends. The important thing i want to say is in my story i will not write something about bromance (sex) but kissing and huging i will write about it. That not like i don't want to write about it but i'm not comfortable with it. Alexander will not have bromance feeling towards Daniel. I will ship Alexander with anyone else. Okay let's start reading the next chapter.

Daniel POV

I just stare at my bruise stomach. Why this thing always happens to me? Oh how rude am i for did not introduce myself. My name is Daniel, just Daniel no last name. I don't know what is my last name is. I just 3 foot tall, yeah i know it really short for 18 years old boy. But what can i say, i'm malnourishment. At this orphanage i just been feed food once a week if not i will not been feed for entire week. So i just survive with just drinking a water from a sink in the kitchen or bathroom. I don't know why i have been treated different from anyone else at this orphanage. Every child at this orphanage at least they been feed once a day but why not me?

While everyone sleep on the bed, i just sleep on the worn out mattress. Every night after everyone goes to sleep, i can't go to sleep yet because i have to receive my daily beating. Mr Bruno always beat me up every night before he lock me up in the basement for the night. The beating will getting more worse if Mr Bruno was under alcohol. I really thank to God because tonight he just kick me at my stomach a few times before he lock me in my room (the basement) for the night.

Tonight is my 18 birthday. I already make up my mine that i will runaway from here tonight. Lucky for me that i found the spare key to this basement when i sneak into Mr Bruno office when he went out early this morning. I wait for an hour until the light from upstairs been switch off. When i heard no voice, i slowly make my way up the stairs and open the basement door with the key that i found. I slowly open the door and peak out my head to see maybe they still anyone else that did not sleep yet. When i see nobody out there, i came out from behind the door. I lock back the door behind me, at least Mr Bruno will think that i'm still downstairs. With the light from the street lamp that came in from the window, i make my way to the front door. I really start to think that God really love me tonight because Mr Bruno left the key to the front door at the door knob. Why he so careless?

After both of my leg step out from the doorway, i feel relive. But my peacefull did not long when i heard sound someone footstep rundown the stairs. I start to run, i run with all my heart. Once in awhile i will look at my back to see if anyone is chasing after me. When i see no one was chasing after me , i still keep running until my legs bought me to a city and that when i'm stop running.

I know God love me tonight because it's my birthday but why i'm so stupid? Why i didn't bring my blanket with me? Right now i just wearing a pajama pants that too big for me and a t-shirt that also too big for me. When i look down at my feet i just wearing a slippers and socks, a very thin socks. OH MY GOD WHY I'M SO STUPID AND DID NOT BRING MY BLANKET WITH ME? IT'S SO COOL AND CHILLY TONIGHT. What make things worse is i'm hungry, really hungry. Everytime the chilly air brushes againts my bruises skin, a whimper will left my mouth.

Just great. Now i stumble into someone. Oh my look at that shiny shoes, i wish i have one. But first , what you do if you stumble into someone? Stupid Mr Bruno didn't teach me how to interact with other human except him. "Hello there little one, what are you doing out here in the dark alone? Where are your parents?" He must be kidding me? For the God sake, i'm 18 years old to speak out loud. But i can't blame him because i'm too small for my age.

When i look up to see the man face i'm shock because i was staring at the very dark black eyes. He kind of handsome but something about him made me fell scare. "I'm sorry sir but i am 18 years old." I told him. He just staring at me for a long time until i feel really uncomfortable. "Hey do you want to come with me? It kind of cold tonight and i think i can cook something hot for you." The man said to me. I don't know if rather i go with him or not. I think i will decline his offer because i just meet him and who know maybe he was a bad people just like Mr Bruno.

"It kind of you sir but i think i'm okay." I said to him. When i want to walk away from him i feel my arms been grabed by a strong hand. When i look up i see the man pull out something from his coat pocket and spray it at my face. I just stare at the man until i see black.

Thank for reading
Hope you enjoy and like it

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