Chapter 11

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NOTE: If Daniel talk like a baby it meant he was in headspace but if he talk normal his not in headspace. In headspace or not Alexander will not angry towards Daniel.

Daniel POV

I woke up because of someone rubbing my back gently. I open my eyes but i really regret it because my eyes burn when the sun rays that came through the window hit me straight on the face. I closed my eyes and let out a distress whine. "Shhhh baby it's okay it just a little light. It can not burn you even vampire not get burn if them exposed to the sun." Daddy say this while he patted my bum. Did i just call him Daddy? Well yes i call him daddy even last night i call him daddy. I don't know why but it feel right to call him daddy. I feel him shifted on the bed and after that i can feel no more heat of the sun on my face. "Baby you can open your eyes again." When i open my eyes again, i can see daddy sitting in front of me with his back facing the window to block the sun rays from hitting my face.

"That's daddy beautiful baby blue eyes." He cooed at me. I just stare at him until i feel bored and turn around. "Hey baby don't ignore daddy, it will hurt my feeling." He told me while he turn me around again. I look at his face and he have a sad expression on his face. My eyes widen because i don't want to hurt someone else feeling especially someone who saved me. I scooted over to daddy and press my face to his chest and my hands around his neck while saying "I'm sorry" over and over until he wrap his strong hands around my fragile body. "Shh baby, daddy just kidding i'm find. Did someone not in little headspace today?" I don't know what he meant by little headspace but i just shake my head for no a little.  "It's okay. Let's eat breakfast downstair okay? And then we have someone special to meet."

I stare at him shocked because i'm still afraid of the people in this house and now he want me to meet a new person that i did not know. Maybe he saw the frightened in my eyes and try to sooth me. "Hey baby don't be afraid because the person you have to meet is a doctor and he was my bestfriend. He will not hurt you, he just want to make sure that you are healthy okay." Well what is doctor? "What is a doctor daddy?" He eyes widen and after a few minute his face softened and he give me a warm smile. "Doctor is someone that will help people to get healthy back. Like if they have a fever the doctor will give them medicine that will help them to get better." I stare at him shocked again. "Did i'm sick?" " I don't know baby i just want to make sure you are okay. Okay let head to the kitchen for breakfast. Today daddy will cooking for daddy little prince". He get up from the bed with me in his arms and headed to the kitchen.

Alexander POV

When we arrive at the kitchen i put little prince in his highchair that already been put beside the kitchen island. I go over to a cupboard and open it and take out a cereal container that contain honey star. Next i go over to the fridge and take out a carton of milk and a bowl of cut up mixed fruits such as strawberry, blueberry, rasberry, kiwi, grapes, banana and apple. I put all the items on the kitchen island and go over to another cupboard and pull out two kind of bowl, one is baby bowl and the other one just a regular bowl for me.

I pour a small amount of cereal into the baby bowl because i know if i put a lot Daniel stomach will not accept it and will throw it up. I put two scoop of mixed fruits and poured a good amount of milk in the bowl with the cereal. I do the same with my portion but a lot more. I put the baby bowl on the highchair tray and used a baby spoon to feed Daniel and between i feed the baby i also feed myself with my food.

After finish the cereal i give a bottle filled with clear water to Daniel to drink. And after he finish half of the bottle i take him upstair and towards his nursery. I put him on the changing table and felt his diaper was heavy. I tickle his tummy and feet and let him giggle. I do this because i want him to relax and to make sure all the piss and poop was out of his system. I rip the taps of the diaper and used a wetwipes to clean my little prince little pee pee and bum and roled the used wetwipes with the dirty diaper and throw it in the bins.

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