Chapter Eleven: wE aReN't AcTuAlLy ThE mAfIa

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Drunk Snake: we should prank text somebody

Cholesterol: What would we do???

Drunk Snake: add them to the group chat and pretend we're the mafia or something lol

Cholesterol: How about we prank my brother's friend Joe?

Drunk Snake: okay add them

Cholesterol added (505) 555-4323 to the conversation 

Cholesterol: Hey guys, are you ready for tonight?

Drunk Snake is Calling

"Hey, Ave," I said to her when I answered the phone.

"Hey, Chloe," Avery said, "you should come over so we can talk to each other while we're pranking Joe."



Drunk Snake: yeah did you pick up the supplies or do I need to go pick them up

Cholesterol: I got everything except the bleach. I couldn't find enough.

Drunk Snake: all right I think I have some left over from our last job

Joe: k see you then

Drunk Snake: were you able to get the car?

Joe: what was the plan again

Drunk Snake: you better be kidding if everything doesn't go perfect tonight the boss will have our heads

Joe: yo just tell me again

Cholesterol: Just look at Tony's message again. He already sent the plan

Joe: i deleted my messages can you resend it

Drunk Snake: you'll have to ask him he gave us all different instructions just be careful he gets pissed when he has to repeat himself

Drunk Snake: I'm not taking a beating for you being irresponsible again

Joe: lmao bet

Joe: just tell me the basics

Cholesterol: Screw this, I'm adding Tony to the chat

Cholesterol added Sunshine to the conversation

Drunk Snake: finally

Sunshine: what do you want

Joe: resend the plan, i deleted my messages

Sunshine: this is the last time I tell you the plans do you understand me you idiot?

Drunk Snake: just fill him in on the plan again because he obviously has the mental capacity of a gnat and can't remember a simple plan

Sunshine: be at the top of the parking garage by 11:00. I can't be bothered to type it all out again

Joe: lmao copy n paste? we all got thru school somehow right

Sunshine: talk to me that way one more time and you're the next victim

"I love Sav," I told Ave, "but she is going to get us arrested if she keeps threatening people while pretending to be the mafia."

"It will be fine," Ave said, "it's not like she directly threatened his life."

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