Chapter Thirty-Two: dEfEnSe aGaInSt cOmMiEs

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This chapter is told from the point of view of Drunk Snake

"Sunshine" started a conversation with You and Traitor

Traitor: Why am I in this?

Sunshine: because i know you agree with us, you were just too much of a wimp to speak up

Traitor: Maybe you all should just apologize to each other and move on

Drunk Snake:

Sunshine: ave are you feeling ok????

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Sunshine: ave are you feeling ok????

Drunk Snake: yeah wym

Sunshine: that was a facebook meme

Sunshine: your taste in memes in more refined

Drunk Snake:

Drunk Snake: here this is much more my style

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Drunk Snake: here this is much more my style

"Sunshine" loved an image

Traitor: Is there supposed to be a point to this chat?

Traitor: And can someone please change my name

Drunk Snake: no u

Sunshine: we need to talk about what happened yesterday

Sunshine: about how chloe and anneliese were being awful to us

Drunk Snake: yeah sav we knew what you meant lol

Drunk Snake: but seriously they were so out of line

Sunshine: they're supposed to be our friends but they don't even respect our feeling because they think they're smarter than us

Traitor: I think you guys just have a difference of opinion on everything and the argument got out of hand

Sunshine: so you're saying that you're perfectly fine with how they talked to us???!!!

Traitor: I think that we all could have handled it better

"Drunk Snake" removed "Traitor" from the conversation

Drunk Snake: someone needed to do it lol

Sunshine: thanks lol he was being an idiot

Sunshine: he wouldn't have said that if he wasn't dating chloe

Drunk Snake: ^^

Sunshine: are we just gonna ignore them tomorrow???

Drunk Snake: unless they come and apologize

Sunshine: i don't think i could accept their apologizes rn

Sunshine: what they said really hurt

Drunk Snake: that's absolutely fine sav!!! what they said was awful and you don't have to forgive them if you don't want to

Sunshine: thanks for being a good friend ave <3 <3

Drunk Snake: I'm always here for you sav <3

"Drunk Snake" named the conversation "Defense Against Commies"

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