Chapter Forty-Two: UIL Part Three

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Saturday 8:23 am

Cholesterol: Good news is we didn't see the old lady in the lobby this morning

Cholesterol: Bad news is the hotel's breakfast thing had waffles and I was super excited, cause, you know, waffles. Anyway, I get a waffle and take a bite out of it only to find it ICE COLD

Cholesterol: I FEEL BETRAYED

Cholesterol: It just occurred to me that you might still be asleep since it's 8:30 am on a Saturday

Cholesterol: I'll stop bugging you now

Saturday 9:53 am

Light of my Life: Did you ever get your waffle?

Cholesterol: nO

Cholesterol: I had to eat eggs and cry

Light of my Life: Sad

Light of my Life: What are you guys doing today?

Cholesterol: Well, seeing as we all weren't blown away by the tornado yesterday, the math team is competing while Sarayu, Meso, and I are going to be left alone in that room for twelve hours again

Light of my Life: Even though you're kind of exaggerating, please don't stay in that room for hours again

Light of my Life: Leave their stuff and go explore the campus or something

Cholesterol: I'll see if I can convince Sarayu to go an adventure with me

School Nerd: You know I'm getting these texts, right?

School Nerd: And I would love to go on an adventure with you

Light of my Life: Why do you only respond like 2% of the time?

School Nerd: Because I never feel like you're talking to me and I don't want to be rude

Cholesterol: You wouldn't be being rude!

Light of my Life: Besides, that hasn't stopped anyone else before

School Nerd: Okay! I'll respond more often now

Saturday 4:27 pm

Cholesterol: I'm dying

Cholesterol: I can see the light at the end of the tunnel

Cholesterol: It looks a lot like Chris Evans

Cholesterol: Tell my dog I love her

Cholesterol: Please turn in my English essay for me

Cholesterol: I did it so I want it to be graded

Light of my Life: We both know Mrs. B doesn't grade our essays

Light of my Life: And why are you dying?

Cholesterol: I didn't get lunch

Cholesterol: My stomach has resorted to eating itself

Light of my Life: Gross

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