It's not just a cover || InTheShadows3 on Archive of Our Own

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ItsJustKai: This one shot is from a IronDad and SpiderSon series by InTheShadows3 here's that link:


During school, Peter had a feeling that he forgot about something. He was sure it wasn't important, so he just continued with his day and went to his last class of the day, where he met with Ned, and they went together to sit with MJ.

"What's up, losers?" Peter immediately notice that she didn't even look up from her book, which was normal for her but he wonders how she knew it was them.

"Nothing much, I'm just disappointed! I can't believe that I have a dentist appointment during a field trip!" Peter wiped his head around to face Ned with a confused expression.

"What are you talking about? What field trip?" Both of them were looking at him with amusement. "Today is the day when they announce the tests results to see who qualified to go. Can't believe you forgot!"

And at that moment Peter remembered. A week ago all sciences teachers told everyone that they manage to arrange an exclusive tour of some company. They said that it was hard to get because of its popularity. They didn't say to which company, claiming that it would be a surprise. But it was only for fifteen students, so they composed a test, and top 15 scores will be going.

Before Peter could open his mouth, Mr Warren chose that moment to enter a classroom.

"Good afternoon everyone! Today I announce who will be going with me on a field trip!" He said with a big smile which was somewhat weird as this gay almost never smile. "And before I read the list, I just want to say, that I am extremely proud of this class as it has nine students to qualify."

At that class erupted in excited whispers.

"Settle down, please! Let me read. On top, with max points, we have Peter Parker..."

He felt himself blush when he heard light clapping. He really didn't like the attention. He knew that he was good at science and for him this test was easy but he never voiced it after the exam when he heard his peers complain how hard it was.

"Next for this class in fourth place..." He turned down the teacher when he felt Ned nudge him.

"Congrats, men. You know, even when I know that I can't go to it would be awesome if I qualify"

"Don't worry Ned even if you didn't, science isn't your best subject. You are genius with programming and math." Peter said with a smile.

"Its suck to be you loser," MJ whispered. "You will be all alone there."

"What do you mean?" He asked, turning in her direction.

"Think about it. Ned isn't going and I for sure didn't make it. My subjects are math and biology." Realisation has drawn on Peter's face and he slammed his head on the desk. He felt MJ patting his arm. She wanted to say something but was cut when the teacher said.

"And in the last place, we have Ned Leeds." In the blink of an eye, he felt excited again as he realized that this trip will be Flash-less as he didn't hear his name being called.

"It's time to tell you to where we will be..."

Ned raised his hand, cutting the teacher "Sir, you can give my place to the next person I have a dentist appointment tomorrow so I can't go."

"It's a shame, Mr Leeds. So next person in 16th place is Flash Thompson." And at that, Peter's head is again slammed on the desk.

"Okay, so we are going to STARK INDUSTRIES!!!" Peter's head was up in seconds with his mouth hanging open. The eight other people who were going were cheering delightedly but the rest of the class were slacking with the 'kick puppy' look. He heard someone mumble about lost opportunity. But Peter wasn't happy at all. Peter just wanted to go to bed and die. He couldn't believe how unlucky he was.

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