Spiderson and the trip || @apjofan76 on Wattpad

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ItsJustKai: I'm not sorry ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 🔝🔝

Anyways, this has SpideyPool and Stony. A lot of people requested these two ships and I love these two ships so freaking much.

@apjofan76 said that I can use her one shot for this book. So, thanks, apjofan76.

Also, Deadpool is seventeen in this, civil war never happened, Tony was cautious of bucky at first but then they got along slowly.

Peter Parker has never had the best luck in his life, hence the phrase Parker luck kept following him around. But, after all his been through, what with his parents death, uncle Ben's death, becoming Spiderman (which is a whole can of worm all on it's own) and recently the death of May Parker, he thought he'd get a little bit of a break. If Parker luck was a physical entity, Peter imagined it laughing out loud at his thought and planning his demise with a well placed thought of NOPE!

After aunt May's death, which was due to cancer (screw that disease and everything it stands for) Peter was, as any normal child of 16 would be, lost, he didn't know where he'll go, what he'd eat, his thoughts were practically in a loop of "ohmygodpleasedon'tsendmetoafosterhome."

Turns out he did not have to worry about that because apparently May was a strong woman who knew when her timd was up, and had talked to Tony -and by extension Steve- about taking the boy in.

Living in the avengers compound was great, he got his own lab, a father to geek out with, heck he could call Captain America pops, not to mention the rest of the Avengers told (demanded of) him to call them aunt or uncle, he was practically living any 16 year old's dream.

But of course no one could actually know that he got adopted by Iron-man and Captain America, at least not yet, until Pepper handled the press.

No one is to say anything about spiderman. No matter how alike Peter and Tony could be, there is no way that he'd be able to pull off a
"I Am Spiderman"™ his dad said he could if he wanted to, but ultimately, it was up to him. And him being him, telling anyone that he is Spiderman is a big No No.

It all starts when, He returned to his school after two days of excused day off, which is to say, he got so badly injured fighting doc oc, his fathers made up an excuse for him to stay home and got Natasha to call them and use her super spy skills to make the school believe that he had the flu for exactly two days.

He was of course fine in day one but he was not allowed to go to school or patrol for at least two days to make sure he " didn't keep giving his old mans repeated heart attacks, do you hear me young man?" He struck a hard bargain with Tony to let Deadpool in the tower. And due to him being "injured" even got both Tony and Wade to play nice.

And he is healed completely, he has super healing thank you very much, but super healing does absolutely nothing to prevent the overdrive of senses always out to get him. He hopes that he would be able to have a mostly quiet day.

Remember how he mentioned Parker luck laughing at his face in the beginning? Yeah, it's doing exactly that right now. Peter can feel something is about to go wrong (which he can but you know what he means)

"Class, has your parents alerted you that they have been sent an email the day before yesterday for the upcoming field trip? Apparently all of them accepted so you are all going to the field trip today."

Peter jerked, email? His dads didn't tell him about getting anything. He raised his hand and Mr. Warren cut him off, "Yes Mr. Parker all of you includes you too"

Peter lowered his hand just as Cindy asked, "So.... Where is this field trip? Cause my parents didn't tell me anything."

Mr. Warren had a smirk on his face. "Well, those of you who don't know would get a nice surprise wouldn't they?" The man said good naturedly and the class grumbled about secretive parents.

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