Please let this be a normal field trip || @redroomacademy on Wattpad

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ItsJustKai: I mean like, it's not wrong..🔝🔝😂😅😏 (the pic)

Heyo, new cover and this oneshot is by @redroomacademy

Days like Monday are the ones Peter dreaded the most. As a matter of fact, he dreaded everyday, but only because of school. It's not that he didn't like learning (he does), it's just school itself. You know, waking up before the crack of dawn, the teachers who act like homework is a requirement, and the kids who think they're all that.

Anyway, Peter sat in the library practicing with his decathlon team, when he began to doze off. He should probably start going to sleep earlier (at all), but saving the innocent is his number one priority, along with his family, the avengers, of course.

The sleep-deprived teen jolted awake as the final bell of the day rang. The team scrambled to pack up their belongings, when MJ spoke up.

"Hey losers, i'm not done talking, listen up," everyone stopped chattering and looked her way.

"Ok so, i guess we did so good at the finals last year, that Tony Stark has decided to give us a tour of Stark Industries, this Friday," she said with a disinterested tone.

Everyone perked up at that, including peter, but not in a good way. He felt his heart skip a beat, as everyone talked excitedly amongst themselves.

After a couple moments of being in a daze, he realized Ned was also, excitedly, talking to him. (a true fanboy. we siSTeR sTaN)

Peter focused back into his surroundings, and began walking with ned to the school's exit. He took one last glance to the starstruck team and leaving, not missing Flash's sly smirk directed towards him.

"Dude, here, you forgot to grab a permission slip," ned explained, shoving a slip of paper into his hands.

After Peter and Ned departed, the young webslinger made his way to a super secretive alleyway and changed into his spidey suit.


When the teen finished his patrol, he swung to the tower and hopped in through a conveniently open window. He waved to his family, as he walked into the kitchen to grab a water.

"Hey Pete, how was school?" Tony turned his attention towards Peter.

"Oh, it was good, you know. Just li- just like any other sc-school day," he had stuttered, recalling the new information he had been given during decathlon practice.

Natasha suspiciously furrowed her brows, probably already coming up with exceptional theories about the situation.

"Okay?" was all Tony had said before hesitantly turning to watch the tv, again.

Peter had quickly left the room, scolding himself for not being subtle enough. Now they know, he thought.


Friday came way too quickly than he was expecting, if only it could be like this every other week. Tuesday through Friday morning, Flash taunted him over and over again about his 'fake internship' and how he's gonna get badly 'exposed' and that he almost 'feels bad for him.'

If only he knew.

Peter and Ned were on the bus to the tower (with the team ofc), immensely engrossed in a conversation about Star Wars theories, when they heard the entire bus 'ooh' and 'ahh' at the building appearing through the city.

The young vigilante froze for a moment, realizing he had a couple problems coming his way.

oh frickity frack, he thought, thinking about his family and what they would do to him. After all, the team did have a meet and greet with the avengers. Oh crap. i forgot there was a meet and greet.

He tried to push the thoughts out of his mind, as he stepped out of the bus with Ned, joining his peers, staring at his home.

Immediately after they walked into the tower, they were greeted by FRIDAY's monotone voice.

"Welcome, Midtown School of Science and Technology. Your tour guide will be here shortly."

Some people jumped at the sudden voice, but Peter only covered his face. If FRIDAY couldn't see him, maybe he could go through the tour unrecognized.

As he was attempting to hide his face, a grade college intern looking woman approached his classmates. He didn't recognize her, but then again, he doesn't even enter through the front doors of the building.

"Hello, Midtown High! My name is Gwen Stacy and i'll be your tour guide for today. First, we'll-" Peter drowned out the sound of her voice, already aware of the rules and where they were supposed to be going.

Gwen began to pass out badges to actually enter labs, and whatnot. Peter also received one, because he never really got an intern badge. After all, he is the heir to Stark Industries, but no one needs to know that.

Everyone began to scan their badges and walk through the metal/weapon detector, FRIDAY announcing who they were and what level badge they had.

"Eugene Thompson, Guest, Level 1," the AI had said.

Flash smiled smugly as he walked through the metal detector, as if he was special, or something.

MJ rolled her eyes at his lack of intelligence, right before going through the detector.

"Michelle Jones, Guest, Le-," the words suddenly stopped being processed in his mind. Oh, god. My webshooters. He was still wearing them. No doubt they'll cause a scene.

Peter was last in line to get scanned, right after Ned. Ned was right after MJ, meaning the guy in the chair was next. Meaning Spider Man was screwed. He couldn't just remove his webshooters then and there; people would notice.

Heart stopping thoughts began to could his mind, making him slightly dizzy. Before he knew it, Ned had finished with getting checked, and it was Peter's turn. He absent-mindedly walked through, abandoning the notion of running out of the tower.

The detector flashed a dark red, all while FRIDAY was announcing his presence. His real identity.

"Good Morning, Mr. Parker. I was not aware you were on this trip, shall i alert Boss of your arrival?"

The security guards firmly pulled him to the side to check what was up with him, Flash smirking off in the distance, somewhere.

They can't find my webshooters. I cant letthem. I'llblowmy cover. Dadwon'tbehappy

Before the guards had a chance to pat him down, he instinctively pulled away and fell to the floor, breathing heavily. He could only make out a faint voice in the background and see blurry figures.

"Mr. Parker... severe anxiety attack.. alerting... Avengers...t-minus 15 seconds," was all Peter heard before passing out.


About half a minute later (fainting doesn't last that long ig), Peter awoke to find half the avengers surrounding him (Nat, Sam, Bucky, Steve, Wanda), Tony shaking him into consciousness, and his decathlon team staring at him with awed and confused expressions.

"Hey, woah, what just happened?" The teen on the floor questioned, holding his head.

"FRIDAY told us you had an anxiety attack at the field trip here, that we weren't actually aware about. I should be asking you the same thing," his father replied.

"Yeah, about that, Dad, i'm sorry. I guess i just didn't want anything to happen, like this, y'know?" Peter answered, totally forgetting his teammates were literally watching this conversation, not even a foot away.

"Wait just a second. Did you just call THE Tony Stark your dad?" Flash accused.

Both, Peter and Tony's eyes widened in realization.

"Uh, yeah, okay, umm... If anyone says ANYTHING about this, I will have every single avenger at your doorstep, the second i hear about it, got it?" The older superhero retorted, helping Peter up.

"Alright, now continue the tour, and I'll be taking Peter up to his room," was all that was heard, before the father and son duo departed from the group, along with the avengers.

"Well, he did say he had an internship," voiced MJ.

Peter Parker's Field Trip OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now