The Perks of Being an Avenger || Ziahra on AO3/ @void_valdez on Wattpad

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ItsJustKai: This one is by Ziahra on Ao3. They also have it on wattpad. Their wattpad is @void_valdez .

Thanks for letting me use your oneshot.

This one is rreeeaaallllly long. So, get your popcorn.

Summary: Peter didn't think his day would get any worse. And yet he was proven wrong once again.
Peter and his Chemistry Class take a field trip to SI, where peter is bullied, embarrassed, and praised.

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Hello, I'm Peter Parker and this is the story of how my life ended.

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Peter sighed as the piece of paper fluttered into his hands as Abe passed it around the tables.

Just seconds before, Mr Harrington had announced the class had been invited to a field trip at Stark Industries. People were buzzing with happiness and excitement. Flash, half because of the place they were going, and half because Peter.

From the minute Peter had announced to Ms Warren that he would not be present for the test, a year and a half ago, because of some 'Stark internship' he knew he was lying. And that became his excuse for everything. Missing practice and school, all because of this stupid lie of an internship.

Peter neatly folded the permission form before placing it in his bag. And after a few more announcements the class was dismissed. All except Peter.

"Peter, come here a minute." Mr Harrington called to the boy.

Peter walked over to the teacher, slightly lifting his head to look the man in the eye.

"Look, about the internship. It was a funny joke, but I'm afraid some people believe it to be real and it would be incredibly embarrassing to get called out." He sighed, shaking his head slightly. "I feel it would be best if you come clean to the class. The joke has gone far enough."

Peter clenched his jaw in anger. Even the teachers didn't believe him!?

"Oh no sir, I assure you there is no joke. I'm completely serious."

He sighed again, before his solemn look hardened. "I was afraid of this. Peter, you're an excellent student, smarter than anyone in your grade, maybe even the school. You have excellent behavior and your only flaw is your tardiness. I did not expect you to be a lier. If someone is bullying you, let a teacher know. It's not right to be spreading rumors about yourself to make you feel better."

"But sir-" Peter tried.

"I apologize in advance, but if you do not come clean before the end of this trip you will be suspended from the decathlon team until further notice. Do I make myself clear?"

Peter mumbled a yes, before turning to leave the building.

~ ~ ~

It was the night before the field trip when Peter was sitting up on his bed. He stared blankly out the window which held a magnificent view, before breathing a frustrated sigh, grunting as he flopped back onto his bed.

"Come in." He said, to the person standing at his door, hand at the ready to knock.

"Hey kid." It was Tony.

"Hey Dad." Peter replied. The both had never settled any agreement that the two would call each other father and son, unless you count the mutual liking for the names.

It started about a year before when Peter moved into the tower. One morning he had accidentally said "thanks Dad!" as a plate of bacon and eggs was placed in front of him. The whole room just stopped, everyone looking in surprise at the two before Clint burst out laughing, followed by most of the superheroes in the room.

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