the very long field trip || @AlinaLevine on Wattpad

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ItsJustKai: This one is by @AlinaLevine

Check out her IronDad oneshots :)

The teacher is a messed up man T^T

Nice!Flash :)




"Tch. Present."


"Present. . ." Peter mumbled under his breath, blushing madly. He ducked his head to avoid the burning glare from his transphobic teacher who seemed to hate him as soon as he found out his first sexuality.

Flash sighed and leant over his desk. He stretched his arm as far as he could and gently patted the boy's shoulder. It was no secret that the teacher didn't like Peter because of his sexuality and he wasn't afraid to show it. This annoyed almost every student in the school as they were all supportive towards Peter and in fact every student didn't have a problem with transgenders. But every time students reported the teacher, it was ignored as the principal had romantic connections with the horrible man.

The class dragged on, the teacher sneering at everything Peter did, calling on him every time he so much as turned his head to face one of his greatest friends, Flash. As the history lesson ended, Mr Joks requested Peter to stay behind. Although it wasn't uncommon to stay behind after class, Peter's stomach churned as his nerves rose.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, Peter?" Flash asked as he slung his backpack over his shoulder. He put his thumb and pinkie towards his ear, he universal sign for "call me later". Peter nodded and took a deep breath, awaiting the abuse that would come from Mr Joks mouth.

"Danielle, Danielle, Danielle. Such a pretty name. Shame you had to ruin it." The teacher spat as he began stacking up his papers, sifting through the test papers that they had completed earlier. He found a red biro on his desk and without looking inside the paper, he graded Peter's a big F.

"See, look at this. Your first mistake." He turned the front of the paper towards a glum Peter. He had circled Peter's name in red. "Isn't it supposed to say your real name?"

"My real name is Peter, sir. Aunt May got it legally changed-" he began. He stopped abruptly when the teacher slammed the paper down on the desk causing Peter to flinch.

"Your name is Danielle Parker! It is your birth name, your birth sex is female! It's disgraceful that you think that you can just ignore the way God created you!" The passionate believer screamed in the boy's face who fought he urge to wipe away the spit that landed on his face.

"You disgust me." With that, the teacher pulled his book bag over his neck and exited the class, leaving a near tears teenager behind.

Peter didn't usually care what people thought about him. He learned years ago that his opinion on himself is the only thing that truly mattered and he should ignore whatever people said to him if they were negative. But sometimes, he couldn't help it when the words felt like daggers, slowly stabbing him to death as depression filled the holes that the knives created.

He stomped out of the building to instantly hear honking. He perked his head up to see Happy in Tony's Audi, pressing the horn like there was no tomorrow. He smiled for a split second, remembering it was Wednesday which was the day he would go to the Avengers Tower. His smile flattened as the words from only a moment ago resurfaced in the watery void in his head.

"Hey Hap. Happy. Happy Hogan. A man who never seems to live up to his name. A man who is often unhappy. A man who was named after a song. A man who-" he was silenced as the bodyguard lifted the glass to separate himself and the kid.

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