Worst Field Trip Ever || @elephantinouterspace on Wattpad

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ItsJustKai: Haven't posted anything in awhile. Sorry. School started and stuff. This one is is by elephantinouterspace .

This is a two parter BUT you'll have to read part two in elephantinouterspace 's book called 'The Amazing Life of Peter Parker'. Part 2 is called 'You Messed With The Wrong Kid'.

Also, can you guess what Loki is dancing to in the picture? 😂 Hit you with that— (continue)

Peter groaned as they boarded the bus. He really didn't want to go to the compound. It wasn't that he didn't like the new Avengers HQ, he loved it, he just doesn't love the people he had to see it with. He was glad the entire school wasn't going, because then there were less people for him to worry about.  But Flash was still going. It was the academic decathlon team's "gift", from Stark Industries for doing so well in nationals. Peter was almost not aloud to go since he never actually participated in the finals, but they all agreed. Even Flash, which was surprising. The little bit of hope for Flash becoming nice, was soon erased from Peter's Monday however, since Flash later said that he only said yes to see Peter's like get exploited.

The ride was uneventful. People asked questions, and Peter knew all the answers.

"How long is the drive?" Abraham asked excitedly.

"45 minutes," Peter mumbled.

"Will Tony Stark be there?"

"Before Peter could mumble another inaudible reply, Flash spoke up.

"I hope so. Puny ( I have morals ok?) Parker, what do you think? Since your so upright with Iron Man, you would know."

Peter bit his tongue, only replying in his head. Flash whispered this however, since he didn't want to get expelled and their teacher was sitting right in the front of the bus.

When they pulled into the parking lot. Peter was surprised by the amount of cars. The parking lot was always half full, but most cars were black. Now there were red, blue and even a pink car parked, all in different models. He was confused, when he saw a poster hung up on the building. It was a picture of Mr. Rogers winking at the camera with a caption saying meet and greet with Captain America.

The students in the bus we're suddenly even more excited, something Peter didn't think was possible.

All the kids pilled out of the bus and walked to the entrance. There was a short 10 minute wait. No badges or cards were needed to enter the building, only metal detectors and a bag check. The students took the longest, since each one had brought their back packs. Peter went through the detector, however, and a small beep rant out through the building.

"Please step to the side for me sir."

Shoot. Peter forgot to take his web shooters off, and now Flash would tease him for trying to 'blow up the place'. Peter stood off to the side, mentally yelling at himself for leaving his intern badge in his bag. That allowed him to pass through security with suspicious metal objects.

He was just about to please for mercy, when the man checking bags pulled out his badge and showed it to Mr. Your-Secret-Is-No-Longer-A-Secret. He looked at it, then at Peter, before swipping it over a small reader. A green light turned on with an unappealing image of Peter appearing on the screen.

"Your good to go Peter."

The rest of the students had already passed through and had idoly chated while waiting for him.

"Oh no! Puny Parker's gonna kill us all!" Flash said so only Peter could hear it.

"Oh I could, but I am just being kind," he whispered.

"Sorry? I can't hear you over the screams of your dead relatives." Flash smiled as he strutted away from Peter. Peter just sighed. The students waited ten minutes before a tall woman dressed in a red white and blue dress walked over to the group.

"I am sorry for the wait. Do to the lack of your guides, we will have to wait until some one is available."

"How many people do you have working?" Their teacher asked.

"We currently have 36 people, including our inters, working."

"Oh! Well Peter here has an internship, right?" Flash smirked as he said these words. Thanks a lot Flash.

The lady looked around the group. "Who may Peter be?"

Peter raised his hand with the badge in it.
"Ah, good to see we have a student interning. Well, go ahead and lead your class around. Take them on route," she paused and looked at her clipboard, "take them on route 5." She smiled before strutting off.

Peter sighed. Interns were required to memorize the tour routes along with other mostly just less knowledge. He walked to the front of his classmates, clipping his badge onto his sweater, and walked off towards a hallway to their left. He turned around and noticed them walking behind him slowly. "We don't have all day," he spoke loudly, grabbing his gapping classmate's attention. The picked up their pace and looked around the massive area.

Peter led his classmates into what he reffered to as 'The Hall Of Press'. Each room was nearly identical with chairs and then a stage. The only one that was different than the ones that lined the hall was the one at the end. It was massive and usually held press conferences with lots of people. Or was used to just for dramatic effect.

He led them into this room. It had been remodeled since the last time he saw it. The chairs could retract into the floor, which happened to be the case right now. He told FRIDAY to turn on the stage lights, and the elevated maroon platform at the head of the room was covered in a harsh glow. Peter squinted at the light, before putting all the lights on.

After the class stopped gapping, he led them through the back door. He smiled as he walked down the white hall. This was where he first saw the Iron spider suit right to his right. Now the tube was sealed, and the wall that previously had the blueprints for his suit had miscellaneous Avengers drawings on them. On que, a jet landed at the loading dock. The class clapped and ran to the window. Peter stood (by complete accident) directly in front of the massive Avengers A as he waited for his classmates to stop clapping. They eventually did and continued talking about random stuff. His classmates eagerly asked questions. Flash even asked some too, but Peter could tell they were sarcastic. He answered them any ways.

The tour continued this way, stopping in the cafeteria for food. Peter told FRIDAY to get him his usual, and went to the kitchen to see what else he could eat. The chefs were making brownies. Peter yesterday the first batch, and ended up eating the entire pan. He left the kitchen with a carton of milk (because he need some milk), and returned to Ned. They sat on super comfy longe chairs. The one Peter sat in was red and gold, while need sat in a black and purple one.

Maybe this trip wasn't going to be so bad.

Three words. Famous. Last. Words.

Continued in elephantinouterspace 's book.

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