Field Trips Prove Everything || nobodys_princess12 on AO3

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ItsJustKai: I almost forgot that I had to add a  one-shot today..

Summary: Midtown High's science class goes on a little adventure!

Civil War happened but instead of a fight at the airport, Steve listened to Tony. They're happy now and that's ok.

Peter's day had been great for the most part and he was actually having a good time at school. Sure Flash had made some comments here and there but it wasn't as bad as the other days, however, Peter caught Flash giving him smirks as he passed him in the hallways, something Peter couldn't figure out the reason yet. So far Ned just thought that Flash was trying to intimidate Peter and when the boy texted MJ, she just told him to suck it up cause she's busy with her job.

Peter had talked up a storm when he was with Tony, first, he talked on about how Ned had been able to hack into Peter's suit which led to Bruce taking him on as his intern/personal assistant. Then, Peter got to know MJ better and started talking about her, Pepper had walked in one day and when she heard about the hardworking teen the CEO decided to take the young girl under her wing.

So when Peter walked into his Science class with Ned he was nervous after noticing the note 'Special Announcement' on the board.

"Alright class," Mr. Cobbwell said with a bright smile after everyone took their seat,"After getting the highest score overall in the science fair the school has decided to congratulate the class."

Students around the room rolled their eyes knowing the school probably wasn't going to give them that cool of a prize. Mr. Cobbwell continued to smile even when Flash started to brag that nothing the school did would be compared to the things his dad bought for him.

"We're going to Avenger's Tower!" Mr. Cobbwell somewhat yelled and silence took over the classroom.

"Finally we can see that Peter is lying!" Miranda yelled with a snobby smile and turned to smirk at the boy.

Both Peter and Ned stopped moving, holding their breath as if waiting for the teacher to say it was a joke. Peter was practically living in the tower while Ned was there almost every day to help Dr. Banner. MJ was the luckiest person in the world and had the next week off school while she went with Pepper on a business trip, both women not being able to hold the others back.

"Miss Smith I won't take that type of behavior in my classroom," Mr. Cobbwell said with a frown,"If you continue to act that way then you can say goodbye to the field trip."

Miranda scowled and took her seat again, while her boyfriend tapped Peter on the shoulder.

"Hope your ready Penis Parker," Flash said when the boy turned around,"All of us are going to see that you only lie so you can try to be popular."

Jackson started laughing to himself when a blush grew on Peter's face and the boy turned back to the front of the class.

"Dude," Ned whispered next to him,"What are we going to do, we have like 2 days till the trip."

"Try and keep it from them?" Peter asked with a small frown,"I can already see Tony coming down and doing something irrational."

Class went on without any more events and when the bell rang Ned and Peter bolted out the door after Mr. Cobbwell handed them their permission slips.

"May please don't make me go," Peter begged as his Aunt rolled his eyes and grabbed the pizza from the guy.

"Peter, Maria already called and she is making Ned go," May said and placed the pizza on the table,"I'm not making the poor boy go by himself, besides you can finally prove everyone you have an internship"

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