The one where Ned gets a second set of fathers || @apjofan76 on Wattpad

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ItsJustKai: It's been awhile, sorry. But this is another fanfic by apjofan76 .

If you asked their tiny group what they would do if there was a field trip to Avengers tower a year ago, Ned would have laughed. Peter would have panicked and MJ  would smirk and proceed to draw Peter's face in her crisis notebook.

A year later under normal circumstances they would have all panicked. It wouldn't be as much a problem if they were just the interns of Tony Rogers-Stark,  Bruce Odinson-Banner   (is Odinson really a last name?) and Pepper Romanova-Potts.

But the fact of the matter is that they're not just their interns, they're practically family - literally in Peter's case - and the Avengers, as heroic as they are, ...... Are embarrassing.

But It's not even a normal circumstance.  Given that MJ is currently in Vienna probably at a fancy hotel or a board meeting with Pepper and Peter is with his fathers in Wakanda probably hanging out with Shuri. And Ned was left to panic from his anxiety all in his lonesome.

"Well, well, well, guess the little liar's lies are coming to an end." Flash sneered.

Ned frowned. If there is one thing that could get him out of a panicked slump it was righteous fury. (He and Peter are kind of similar in that regard)

"Hey Flash, maybe you should have the decency to talk about someone to their face. Oh wait sorry I  forgot who I  was talking to." Ned grit out.

It was sometimes baffling to see exactly how much denial can fit into Flash's body.

"Well your buddy should have the courage to come see his lie unfold then shouldn't he?" Flash shoved Ned.

"Yeah, he should definitely come back from an overseas trip to go to a field trip to where he already works? Get your priorities straight Flash." Ned replied. Never mind that he has told both of his friends to grab a  quinjet and come back just for the trip because he didn't want to go alone, Flash is a dick.

"Oh his overseas trip with Tony Rogers-Stark?  Give it a  rest, no one will believe you and we'll see you're lying when we reach there anyway. " Flash walked away.

"Oh we'll  see something alright." Ned muttered, sullen.

Then he proceeded to board the bus.  Why oh why did his school have to hold a field trip to the Avengers tower?

He knew it was because they won the National decathlon tournament,  and they were given a chance to explore.  But it was Peter who gave the winning answer this year and MJ was the one who made sure everyone kept their head in the game and they're  not even going to the trip.

Ned took a seat at the front and away from Flash. Without Flash pestering him, he remembered that he was panicking for a reason.

An example would probably be nice.

(Ned was at the tower the day before Peter left for Wakanda.

He was working on some of his codes when he saw Deadpool running for his life. Peter perched on his shoulder leaning down as to not get knocked on the head by door frames.

Tony was running behind him yelling something about breaking yet another project. Ned didn't know how Peter manages to bring him back each time. But then again Peter is a puppy labrador.


Steve walked behind his husband looking only mildly disappointed but altogether  amused.

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