Girlfriends and Field Trips || Im_Blue_Dabadedabadi on Wattpad

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ItsJustKai: I regret nothing🔝🔝

@Im_Dabadedabadi sent this to a while ago actually. I meant post this but it slipped my mind :| Thanks for sharing your one shot with me! :) Very much appreciated!

It was a late Sunday night. In fact it was the night after May and I had moved into the tower. The Avengers were all sitting around the dining room tower and we were playing a board game that I think Scarlett called Sherlock? It was a mix between Cluedo and Jenga, with a tiny little Sherlock balancing on the top of the Jenga tower. We were playing in teams and every time someone made an accusation a Jenga block was removed.

"I think it was... Purple, in the kitchen, with the rope," I listed off

I was waiting for Mr Stark and Clint to decide on a card to show me, when suddenly a thought crossed my head. It was something that I had almost forgotten about and it made me groan and drop my head to the cool surface of the table.

"Dude, you okay?" Scarlett, my teammate and the girl I shared a floor with, asked as I listen my hand and she got ready to pull a Jenga piece from the tower "You don't think you're last accusation set the team up to loose did you?"
"No, Scarlett, it's just that I have a field trip to the tower tomorrow. Guys. Please, please," I pleaded, banging my head against the table and rattling the Jenga tower "Guys. Don't do anything."
"Why not kiddo?" Asked Mr Stark, ruffling my hair "Could be a lot of fun."
"It's just a school trip! They already..." I trailed off and sighed shaking my head "Please."
"No promises," winked Clint, and I noticed Scarlett shake her head, and I smiled at her appreciatively
"Don't traumatize the kid," she said with a sigh You're gonna make us loose the game!"

"Red, garage, candlestick," said Natasha after she rolled the dice
"I agree with Scar, don't go down ther tomorrow, Tony," Pepper warned


The next morning I was sitting at the breakfast bar, my head laying against the smooth, cool marble. The cool surface hitting my hot skin calmed the oncoming headache. I heard the elevator open and then the kettle boil qich meant Scarlett was awake, but I just kept my head down. When she sat next to me and put her head against my back I lifted my head to smile at her, greatful for the weird hug and small comfort that she provided.

"You okay?" She asked m3 gently
"Of course Peter will be okay, he'll have you as a tour guide," Mr Stark chuckled
"WHAT!" Scarlett and I exclaimed at the same time, our heads snapping towards the genius
"Pepper thought that if you guided the tour, then Tony wouldn't be able to gate crash it," Dr Banner explained from where he was sitting the table, eating his breakfast and reading the paper
"But I don't know the first thing about Stark Industries!" Scarlett exclaimed, confusing me "I get lost going between my floor and here!"
"That's why you have the ear piece. I'll be with you all day, you'll know exactly what to say that way," Mr Stark explained

I noticed her put her hand to her ear but I was confused. Why didn't Tony Stark's niece know anything about Stark industries? I didn't know but I turned to her and pulled the most undignified face I could. I poured my lips and gave her the puppy eyes, causing her to sigh. Checking the time I cursed under my breath and made a dash for the elevator.

"I guess I'll see you in an hour and a half then," I heard Scarlett call out

I whooped, punching the air and jumping as the elevator doors closed. Maybe today would go okay after all!


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