Field Trip || @MidnightBlueScent

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ItsJustKai: 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏🔝🔝

I've also decided to provide a BOOTIful picture of me 👌🏾

*cough* will be deleted within 24 hours cause I'm kinda self conscious *cough*
Edit: Don't get me wrong. I love myself and body. But I don't like the thought of people looking at my body. Ya' know?

If you haven't seen the picture then it's been removed.

Two posts in one day cause why not? ¯\_()_/¯

Thanks @MidnightBlueScent


Peter groaned as he smacked the snooze button on his alarm clock. He rolled off his bed, landing face first on the floor.

He did not want to get up today.

Its not that he didn't want to go to school today or anything, he was just really tired from a robbery last night. It was a group of guys, and though usually it wouldn't be that bad, one of the three (being a complete dumb ass if you ask Peter,) decided to throw a gun at his leg. It hurt like hell. Of course, it didn't hurt as much anymore, but still.

Peter half contemplated if he should just skip today, its not like anything important was happening . No big test or field trip or anything like that.

He quickly shook those ideas out of his head. May would worry if he just didn't want to go today for no reason, and that woman already has enough on her plate. She had just gotten a raise, which is good. Great, actually. But if she wanted to keep getting that money, she had to work harder than ever. And they really needed this money.

Yes, they were close to the Tony Stark. A billionaire. But if he knew that they were in financial trouble, he'd want to help. And frankly, they didn't want to bother him with what they thought wasn't that important. It's not that bad if they were suddenly homeless.

Peter was pulled out of his thoughts when May shouted for him to come on.


Peter jumped off the floor and slipped on his clothes quickly, grabbing his bag as he walked out the door. May already put out under cooked eggs and burnt toast for him. He sat down and happily ate his breakfast, despite the weird taste from the eggs. He was grateful that May cooked for him at all, who was he to tell her that her cooking wasn't up to Gordon Ramsey's standards?

"Peter, hurry up! You're gonna be late!" May tied up her hair with a piece of toast hanging from her mouth. Peter chuckled as he put up his plate and ran to kiss May on the cheek before heading off to school.


"Hey man, excited for today?" Ned ran up to Peter, slightly nudging him. Peter cocked a questioning eyebrow. Why would he be excited for another boring day of school? He pulled out his chemistry book from his locker, but where the flip is that one algebra book—

"Dude! You don't forget, did you?" Peter closed his locker, finding his algebra book.

"Ned, what are you on about?"

"THE FIELD TRIP TO THE AVENGERS TOWER IS TODAY, PETER!" Ned whispered yelled. Peter stopped walking.

Oh shiz. (Gotta keep it Steve friendly)

Peter groaned as he walked into class, seeing everyone buzz with excitement. He mentally sighed.

'How could I have forgotten? I'm so stupid! Dang it, how am I supposed to-'

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