Off To See The Tower, The Wonderful Tower Of Stark || Spiderlings on AO3

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ItsJustKai: Been a while. How was you Thanksgiving (if u celebrate it)?

Here's a one shot by @spiderlingism on wattpad. Their AO3 is spiderlings.

Summary: If Wanda Maximoff was to listen into the reveries of Peter Parker in the exact moment his eyes scanned the letter, she'd get more than a giggle listening to him recite a vine he found to fit all too well; Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, shit ( he'd definitely get a scolding from Steve Rogers if she snitched on him ).

⠀⠀Much to the discomfort of the young Parker, the top of the parchment screamed five words which he cursed with everything inside of him: FIELD TRIP TO STARK TOWERS! Ned Leeds gave a silent laugh to the boy, and he could hear the hiss-like chuckle rolling off the viperine lingua of Eugene 'Flash' Thompson. Ah, the joys of being a teenager with senses always dialled up to eleven that came with the freaky spider powers he acquired upon a freak accident.

—— Or, Peter takes a trip to Stark Tower and curses the world for not swallowing him whole.

If Wanda Maximoff was to listen into the reveries of Peter Parker in the exact moment his eyes scanned the letter, she'd get more than a giggle listening to him recite a vine he found to fit all too well; Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, shit ( he'd definitely get a scolding from Steve Rogers if she snitched on him ).

⠀⠀Much to the discomfort of the young Parker, the top of the parchment screamed five words which he cursed with everything inside of him: FIELD TRIP TO STARK TOWERS! Ned Leeds gave a silent laugh to the boy, and he could hear the hiss-like chuckle rolling off the viperine lingua of Eugene 'Flash' Thompson. Ah, the joys of being a teenager with senses always dialled up to eleven that came with the freaky spider powers he acquired upon a freak accident.

⠀⠀Excited whispers contaminated the fifth, and thankfully final, period classroom of Mr Harrison's chemistry lesson. The teacher eyed his students with amusement, yet his expression shifted to something more of disappointment when gazes landed on the groaning Peter. No one believed that a high schooler, even one as intelligent as Peter Parker, could get an internship at Stark Industries. Mr Harrison didn't want to label the boy as a liar, but he decided that someone has to say something to him about it before Friday comes. And that someone just so happens to be him.

⠀⠀The last five minutes of the lesson passed by a breeze; the low murmur of conversations overlapped and the sound of laughter filled the science room. Mr Harrison could tell that everyone, save Peter, was through the roof with Friday's arrangement. The animated movements and expressions that coated the faces of all brought an involuntary simper to the lips of the professor —— he couldn't even see the softening to Michelle Jone's usual mask of indifference.

⠀⠀As everyone was leaving, the teacher made it his job to speak to the young Parker; with one simple hand gesture, he was sat down in a stool, parked behind the front rows desks. It belonged to Cindy Moon if he recalled correctly. "So, Peter," he began, choosing to ignore the worry that swam within chocolate pools. A pen danced within the grip of spindly phalanges. "I bet you're wondering why I wanted to talk to you?"

⠀⠀A bitten simper overtook margins and his cranium, draped in a disarray of messy brunette waves, dipped into a respectful nod. It was far from the nah, shit that raced through his mind. "Is everything okay, Mr H?"

⠀⠀The response from Harrison came with a sigh. "No, Peter. Everything is not okay." The youth couldn't help but let his feigned smile drop into a frown. "I need to talk to you about your . . . Stark Internship." Shoulders hunched into one another at his teacher's words —— to think that he actually liked this teacher. "I know how difficult your life has been, but you need to know that lying for popularity isn't right."

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