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Time flies when you're having fun.

A year had passed and it was Yoongi's graduation

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A year had passed and it was Yoongi's graduation. All the students had walked and received their diplomas and threw their caps up in the air. When it was all said and done, everyone rushed to find their cap as parents and friends came onto the football field to greet the graduates.

"Looking for this?" Jimin says, holding up Yoongi's cap. Yoongi smiles as he reaches for it. Jimin yanks it from him and laughs as Yoongi continues to try and get it. "You almost got it!"

Finally, Yoongi grabs it from the younger and puts it back on his head. "I hope you know how annoying you are."

Jimin smiles, "You love it though!"

They had gotten a lot closer since the fight with Jack. Surprisingly, he hadn't messed with them since. In fact, he always seemed to keep his distance from the two but Yoongi and Jimin didn't question it.

"Oh hunny!" Rita exclaims as she hugs Yoongi tight. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks mom." He smiles down at her. She pulls away from him and hands Jimin a camera. "Take a photo of us please."

She stands beside Yoongi; him putting his arm around her. Jimin puts the camera up to his face looking through it, "Okay, say cheese!"

Yoongi and Rita smile and Jimin takes the picture. Then he lowers the camera a bit and smirks. "Now do a silly one." He puts the camera back to his eye and Yoongi turns his head and kisses his mother on the cheek as she makes a shocked expression. Jimin snaps it real quick and giggles. "That was a good one!"

He hands the camera back to Rita as she tells him to get over to Yoongi because she needs pictures of them together.

Jimin stands next to Yoongi as he puts his arm around Jimin's waist and pulls him close, making Jimin blush. Jimin actually liked Yoongi—more than a friend, but he knew Yoongi was straight and he always called Jimin kid. It was pointless to tell him.

Yoongi looks at him with a smile and Jimin puts his arm around Yoongi's shoulders, giving him a smile back. "Okay boys, give me a big smile!"

They both turn to face her and smile. Jimin showing his perfect white teeth while Yoongi just gave a closed smile. It was still very genuine though. He was pretty happy actually.

"Okay, a silly one." Rita says as Jimin changes his smile into a kissy face and turns to Yoongi's face trying to imitate Yoongi with his mother. Yoongi laughs as he makes a shocked expression. Rita giggles as she snaps the picture.

Yoongi pulls away from Jimin, sliding his fingertips across Jimin's lower back, lingering before he fully takes it away.

Jimin blushes again as Yoongi takes the camera from his mother and looks at the photos. "Oh these are good ones!" He says chuckling at the silly ones.

A girl yells for Jimin from a distance and he turns to see who it was. Yoongi does too and he sees that it's Tiffani. She runs up to him putting her hand on his arm. Yoongi smiles as he looks back at the camera and doesn't pay attention to their conversation.

"Oh Helen!" Rita yells after another student's mom and she walks over to her.

Yoongi messes with the camera then looks over at Jimin who was chatting it up with the "hot" girl. They laugh and then Tiffani puts her hand on Jimin's arm again and gives him a seductive smile—then tells him bye. She walks away as Jimin watches her, biting his lip as he runs his hand through his brown hair. He smiles and turns to face Yoongi and he snaps a quick picture.

Jimin's smile quickly fades as he points at Yoongi. "Hey! You better delete that!"

"No. I'm not deleting shit." Yoongi snickers.

"Give me the camera! Give it to me now, Min Yoongi!"

Yoongi raises an eyebrow at the younger. "Oh shit, he said my full name! The Korean way." He mocks putting his hands up.

"Well it sounds better than Yoongi Min." He scoffs folding his arms.

"Says the guy who's name is Jimin Smith." Yoongi says looking at the pictures again.

Jimin squints his eyes at Yoongi. "I'll have you know, my actual last name is Park! That's just my adopted name! Now delete the photo!"

"Okay fine. I'll delete it."

Jimin closes his eyes and smiles, lifting his chin up as he felt victorious.

Rita walks up, interrupting his short confident moment. "Okay boys. Y'all hungry? Let's get some food."

Hours pass and Yoongi and Jimin decided to go get some ice cream after they had went home and Yoongi was able to change out of his cap and gown.

They sat at a table, Jimin eating chocolate vanilla swirl while Yoongi had mint chocolate chip. "Man this ice cream is good!" Jimin says with a mouth full. Yoongi chuckles as he shakes his head, putting a spoonful in his mouth.

Yoongi glances up at Jimin, who looked happy, like legit happy for the first time in awhile and he knew it was about to be ruined. "Jimin?" Yoongi mutters after swallowing his ice cream.

"Mhmm?" Jimin hums, still stuffing his mouth with ice cream.

"There's something I need to tell you."

Jimin puts his spoon in his mouth but keeps it between his lips as he cuts his eyes towards Yoongi. His heart dropped to the pit of his stomach and he slowly pulls the spoon from his lips. "Yeah?"

Yoongi sighs. "I signed up for this program that helps people in need, and it will also pay for my college expenses so I can get a degree in the process."

"Oh really? That sounds nice." Jimin replies nodding his head at the idea.

"Yeah. Its something I've wanted to do for awhile now. Plus I will get to see places and I won't have to pay for college and-"

"Wait, you'll get to see places? What do you mean? You're not staying here?" Jimin was confused.

"No Jimin. I'm not. I have to go to a different country."

That's when Jimin's world ended.

"What.." Jimin mumbles under his breath, staring dead into Yoongi's eyes as the spoon fell from his fingers.

"I know it sucks and I hate to leave but that doesn't mean things will change. We will always be best friends. Besides, we can always call each other, or message online or even write each other letters. It will all work out."

"You're going to another country?" Jimin asks, totally disregarding everything Yoongi just said.

"Yes. I am. But it will be ok-"

"No! It's not going to be okay!" Jimin yells as he stands from his seat. "You can't leave!" Other customers in the parlor turn to look at the two, making Yoongi a little embarrassed. "Don't you understand? I need you! I need you! Not some strangers out there!"

"Jimin, please, you need to calm down." Yoongi speaks calmly as he goes to grab Jimin's wrist but he jerks it away yelling, "Don't touch me! You lied to me!" He turns away from the table, leaving his trash sitting there and storms out. Yoongi stands from his seat yelling after him. "Jimin! Jimin!!" But it was too late, Jimin was already gone.

Yoongi continues to stand there as he looks around at all the strangers staring at him. "What?!" He snaps, making the people look away. He sighs deeply as he cleans up the mess then leaves to go find Jimin.

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