its almost over

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-im gonna go ahead and apologize for what's about to happen in the next chapter. some stories don't have a happy ending and this is one of those stories.. i wasn't planning on having a happy ending because we don't always have happily ever after in real life.. i know a happy ending is what people want but i felt like just giving what everyone wants isn't staying true to myself and the story that i had came up with. it was meant to be a tragedy so im gonna follow through. every time i think of this next scene i actually get really sad.. love stories always get to me. lol i just felt like having it end the way im ending it was more appropriate than just making everything rainbows and unicorns and like everythings perfect. this story was about real things that happen in real life. but anyways, if you don't want to read it ill understand. if you want to know what happens but still don't want to read it, you can always ask and ill tell ya. to those who have read this far, i deeply appreciate it because youve definitely went through a lot of emotions getting here. so... anyways, sorry.-

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