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Yoongi felt bad that Kiana had such deep feelings for him, but he didn't feel the same

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Yoongi felt bad that Kiana had such deep feelings for him, but he didn't feel the same. He knew exactly how she felt and it sucked being in that position. They managed to stay friends and promised one another that they'd at least stay in touch through social media. Todd decided to go to LA with Yoongi since he hadn't been there in awhile. He had lived there a few years ago and missed the place.

They arrived home, Rita greeting them at the door. "Hey sweetie! It's so good to see you!" They hug as Yoongi says, "It's good to see you mom. This is Todd." He introduces. "Todd, this is my mother."

They shake hands, "Nice to meet you ma'am." Todd says making Yoongi think of the time Jimin first met him and his mom and called Rita ma'am. "Well it's so nice to meet you too Todd! I'm so glad Yoongi has had a nice friend all this time."

"Yeah.. Yoongi is one hell of a dude. You've got yourself a great son Mrs. Min." Todd compliments as he puts his hand on Yoongi's shoulder.

Rita giggles as Yoongi smiles, "I'm okay. I'm really not that special."

"Don't let him lie to you. All he did was care for others and praise you!"

Rita begins to blush as she playfully slaps Todd on the arm. "Oh stop you're gonna embarrass him." Though she was really the one getting embarrassed. "Well come on in, make yourself at home." Rita says turning to walk out of the foyer. "Uhh where's the bathroom?" Todd asks.

"It's down the hall to the left." Yoongi answers and Todd disappears.

"Mom?" Yoongi mutters, stopping her before she leaves the room.

"Yes Yoongi?"

"Have you seen or heard from Jimin at all?"

Her expression quickly changes, the smile that shined on her face fell flat as her eyebrows lowered. Instantly, Yoongi felt his heart drop into the pit of his stomach just from the look on her face.

"Yeah I have. But it was a couple months ago."

"Okay, where?" Yoongi was eager to know.

She rubs her hands together as she prepares herself to tell Yoongi the news. "He came here on my birthday and brought me a gift. I made him lunch and we talked about things."

"What things?"

"Like, how he's been, how I've been. He said he was doing well and then that was it and he left. End of story." She turns away from him and walks out before he can even say anything.

Now, Yoongi knew better than that. He knew that wasn't the whole story.

He walks into the kitchen as she began to put the dishes away, "Did he ask about me?"

Without looking at him she replies, "He just asked how you were doing. I said you were fine and he didn't say anything else."

"Really? That's it? He didn't say anything else? I don't believe that. There's something you're not telling me mom.. what is going on with Jimin?"

She continued to put the dishes away.


She puts a cup down abruptly, and turns to him. "He's messed up."

Yoongi's expression changed to confusion. "What do you mean he's messed up?"

She sighs. "He wasn't himself. He was.." She shakes her head. "..on something."

Yoongi didn't want to believe what his mother was saying. "What? Like drugs?"

She nods. "I don't want to say he was for a fact but, if you had only seen him Yoongi.. you'd know what I mean. He was hyperactive and very expressive with his hands. His attention span was short, but I could tell he was trying hard to focus.. make it seem like he was paying attention. He wouldn't make direct eye contact with me but he didn't need too.. I could still tell his eyes were dilated."

Yoongi began to rub his forehead as if he had a headache.

"I'm sorry sweetie. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to worry you."

He cuts his eyes at her, his hand still on his head, "Worry me?" He moves his hand as he continues,  "These are the things I need to know mother!"

"I know, I know. I'm sorry."

He sighs as he places his hands on his hips. "Do you know where he is?"

She shakes her head as Todd walks in. They both look at him. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything."

"Oh no you're fine.. Hey, why don't you two go to the fair on the beach!"

Yoongi rolls his eyes as Todd smiles, "That sounds great! Come on Yoongi. It will be fun."

"Okay. Yeah. Sure." Yoongi mumbles following Todd out of the kitchen.

He wasn't in a mood to ride rides, play games and eat cotton candy. No, all he cared about was finding Jimin and making sure he was okay.. but since he had no idea where Jimin was, he decided to just go clear his mind anyways. Well at least try too that is.

-im not that great at descriptive writing.. like there are some authors on here that write so beautifully and in such detail and then there's me.. so sorry if it's not that great..-
-also this chapter is short because the next chapter is gonna be a huge scene so I want to write it all in one chapter!-

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