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It was the next morning and Jimin awoke to the sun shining inside his room. The atmosphere was quiet and soothing, keeping him relaxed.

Yoongi walks in and Jimin looks up at him. A smile forms across his face as Yoongi walks over with a tray, carrying a glass of water and some cut up fruit. He sits the tray down on the side table, as Jimin slowly sits up in bed.

"How are you feeling?" Yoongi asks.

"I'm actually feeling okay. Still in pain but it's bearable."

Yoongi picks up a little cup and the glass of water and hands them to Jimin. "Here's your medicine." Jimin takes it and drinks some of the water. "Can I have some of the fruit?" Jimin asks.

"Of course." Yoongi hands him the strawberries and oranges and Jimin takes a couple, putting them in his mouth. He hasn't had much of an appetite lately but he knew he needed to eat something.

Yoongi puts the fruit back and then turns to leave the room but Jimin stops him. "Wait."

Yoongi looks back, "Come lay in bed with me. I want to cuddle." Jimin says with a sweet smile.

Yoongi smiles and walks over to the other side of the bed and climbs in. Jimin was still bundled in the blanket, with no clothes on while Yoongi had on a T-shirt and pajama pants.

He puts his arm around Jimin as he placed his head on Yoongi's chest, snuggling up to Yoongi. Jimin hums, "Now this is what paradise feels like."

Yoongi looks down at the younger in his arms and smiles at the comment. He agreed. Having Jimin in his arms, sick or not was the best feeling in the world.

After a minute of laying there, Jimin looks up at Yoongi, slightly leaning up to face the older. "Yoongi, I just want to say I'm sorry."

Yoongi was confused. He takes his fingers and brushes Jimin's hair from his eyes while asking, "Sorry for what?"

"For everything. For all the times I left and done you wrong." He shakes his head as tears began to well up in his eyes, "I never meant for any of this to happen."

Yoongi cups the side of Jimin's face. "You don't need to apologize Jimin, I know."

A tear falls down Jimin's cheek as he lowers his face more into Yoongi's palm. "I just don't want you to think badly of me. I love you with all my heart and soul and I just want to be with you." He looks back up to Yoongi, his lip quivering as more tears fell. He whispers, "I don't want to die."

Yoongi pulls Jimin into him, holding him tightly, slightly rocking back and forth. "It's okay Jimin. Don't worry. I'll never think badly of you. I could never. You will always be the best thing to ever happen to me. I love you too, And no matter what happens we will always be together. Not even death can tear us apart. Okay?"

He waits for a reply but Jimin doesn't say anything.

"Okay?" Yoongi repeats as he stops rocking, lowering his head down to look at Jimin. "Jimin?" He says calmly, pulling Jimin back to see that Jimin's eyes were closed. "Jimin?" He lets out once again slightly shaking him but he doesn't wake. "Jimin?!" Yoongi cries out, but it was too late. Jimin had died right there in his arms.

Yoongi looks up, staring forward as it hit him. He closes his eyes as he presses his lips together, tears falling from his eyes. But he was calm. He places his right hand on the side of Jimin's head, kissing him on his forehead as he whispers, "It's okay." Then places the side of his face against Jimin's head continuing, "Everything's gonna be okay." And as he finishes that sentence he loses it. Sobbing uncontrollably as he held Jimin's lifeless body in his arms.


The day was cloudy. It had rained a little before but had stopped just before they went to the gravesite. They had laid Jimin's body to rest. A fresh pile of dirt laid on top of his grave with a headstone that spelled out his biological name, date of birth and death, with a little message from Yoongi that said, "I will love you, forever & always."

Yoongi stood at his grave, staring blankly at it. His emotions were gone. He felt empty and numb, like a piece of him was missing. He feels a hand on his shoulder and turns to see Todd standing by his side.

"Hey man, you coming?" Todd asks nicely.

Yoongi slightly nods, turning his head back to Jimin's grave. "Yeah, can you just give me a minute?" He replies in a low raspy voice.

"Of course. Take your time." Todd walks away from him, up to Stacey who was weeping in a tissue.

Yoongi just stood there thinking of all the times he had with Jimin and all the times he had missed out. He wanted to say something but he knew it wouldn't matter, though he says it anyways,

"You remember that day we went on that walk.. where we accidentally came upon that lake? You were so excited about it, that you took off your shirt and ran into the water." Yoongi chuckles, "I thought you were crazy, but you said I was crazy for wearing long sleeves in the middle of the summer." He pauses as his smile falls, his emotions showing up out of no where. "That was the day I realized I was in love with you... and I should have told you then. I should have told you how much you really meant to me from the beginning. I had so many things to say but I just..." he closes his eyes trying to hold back the tears, "I just couldn't say them. But now it's pointless because we actually did end up together but.." he shakes his head, "It was too late." He looks back and sees Todd and Stacey off in the distance hugging each other and then turns back to Jimin's grave. "I just want to say, even though we didn't have a lot of moments together... they were still my favorites." He breaks down and begins to softly sob, covering his face with his hand, then rubs his eyes, inhaling deeply. "Don't worry though, I'll always be yours. And I'll always love you.... forever and always."


The day at the lake

The two boys sat in the sand looking up at the sunset. Jimin glances over at Yoongi.

"Hey Yoongi?"

"Yeah kid?"

"We will always be together right?"

Yoongi chuckles as he puts his arm around the younger pulling him close. "Of course."

"Forever and always?"

Yoongi smiles.

"Forever and always."

💛💛💛💛💛the end

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