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After the incident of the gun not going off and letting him escape this torture, Jimin realized he needed to leave and find his way back to Yoongi. He stands from the floor and turns on the faucet, splashing cold water onto his face. He grabs a hand towel and dries the water. The bruises were extremely noticeable. That bothered him. So he grabs some foundation and rubs it on his face to try and conceal them. He had been doing this for awhile, so no one would know Rick was hitting him, especailly when Rick was the one telling him to cover them up.

Once he felt like he looked decent enough, he leaves the bathroom, walking back out to the hotel room and begins to get dressed. He picks up a pair of jeans from the pile of clothes and pulls them on. They fit him perfectly, showing off his thick thighs and butt. He had lost a little bit of weight since he started doing drugs but he still looked good.

He grabs a black sweater and throws it over his head, covering his bruised torso and slips his already sock covered feet into some black combat boots, then takes a backpack and begins stuffing it with money, bottles of pills and clothes. Since he was so focused in trying to leave, he doesn't even notice Rick had woken up.

"What are you doing?''

Jimin stops what he's doing and glances over at Rick but doesn't say anything.

Rick let's out a, "Huh?" As he raises an eyebrow, but Jimin just continues doing what he was doing and ignores him.

Rick doesn't hesitate to get up and grabs the backpack from Jimin. Jimin grips it tighter and yanks it back to himself. "Im leaving." He says in a low tone, giving Rick a glare as he looks up at the taller man. Rick furrows his brows as Jimin continues to pack. There was no way Rick was going to let Jimin leave. So he grabs the backpack and pulls on it again as Jimin tries to keep it from him.

"No! Let go!" Jimin yells, But Rick was stronger and manages to push Jimin back against the wall and takes the backpack from him. He turns the backpack over, spilling the contents of it. He looks down seeing the pills and money. That only pissed him off more.

He cuts his eyes at Jimin, glowering at the younger who stood against the wall a little scared. "So you were going to leave, and take MY money and MY drugs, like a dirty fucking rat!" He throws the backpack at Jimin, making him flinch then suddenly grabs him by the throat, tightening his grip just enough to make it hard for him to breathe. "Who do you think you are?" Rick growls, as he gets in Jimin's face, watching as he squirmed in the older's hand, between the wall and his body. "You think you deserve this money and these drugs? Those are my things! Mine! You think you can just escape that easy.. no, you're not going anywhere."

"Rick... please.." Jimin let's out through hitched breath, trying to breath through it all.

"Please What?! Not strangle you to death? I could kill you with my bare hands and no one would ever know." Rick was serious too, he had the experience.

"Then... do it.." Rick was actually shocked at Jimin's response, but he doesn't show it. Instead, he chuckles and throws Jimin down to the ground.

Jimin let's out a few gasps of air as Rick points down at him, "Don't ever think about escaping. Because if you do, I'll find you and it won't be pretty." He turns away from Jimin and begins to pick up the money and pills from the floor. "And don't think your little boyfriend could help you either, because I'd just kill him too."

Normally Jimin would have became furious at a comment like that, but he was too focused on the two bullets laying by the pile of clothing. He leans over slowly and grabs them before Rick sees. Once he turns back around, Jimin had them in his small fist tucked into his sleeve.

Rick grabs a pack of cigarettes and takes one from the pack and lights it inside the hotel room. Jimin gets up and walks to the bathroom. Rick notices and while blowing smoke from his mouth he asks, "Where ya going?" Jimin stops and turns to him, "The bathroom.. unless I can't even go there now."

Rick turns his head, while lifting his eyebrows, placing the lit cigarette in between his lips. Jimin goes into the bathroom and shuts the door behind him. He grabs the pistol from the floor and tries to figure out how to load it. After a minute of messing with it, he finally gets it loaded.

Rick finishes his cigarette and notices Jimin was still in the bathroom. "What is taking him so long?" He says to himself as he puts the cigarette out, then gets up from the chair. He goes to check on Jimin, but what he finds, was something he was not expecting. Jimin came out and pointed the gun right at him, making him back up, with his hands slightly raised as Jimin slowly walked forward, his expression hostile.

"Jimin, What are you doing?"

Jimin doesn't answer him. He just keeps the pistol on him along with his eyes.

Rick smirks, "You're not going to shoot me."

"Don't tempt me." Jimin let out confidently.

"Jimin.. there's not even bullets in it. I took them out myself."

Jimin ignores what he says, again, and focuses on keeping his eyes and the gun on him. Rick was getting annoyed by the situation "Just give me the gun." Rick demands but Jimin doesn't listen. So Rick tries to grab it from him but Jimin, without hesitation, shoots Rick in his thigh right above the knee cap.

Rick drops to the ground, holding his leg, as he groans in agonizing pain. Jimin's eyes go wide at the fact he just shot someone.

Anger boils inside Rick, making him get up on his hands and knees, then up to just his knees as he looks up at Jimin, with crazy eyes. He then tries to go for Jimin but Jimin points the gun at his head. "Don't. Even. Try." Jimin mutters as Rick freezes into place. "I won't hesitate to put this bullet in your fucking skull!"

"You wouldn't kill me." Rick says, as Jimin quickly follows with, "You have no idea, how long I've dreamed of this moment."

Fear shows itself on Rick's face, making Jimin smirk as a low chuckle escapes his lips, "Now who's the scared one?" He mocks as Rick answers, "I'm not scared."

"See that's where we're different. I might be afraid of a lot of things, but death isn't one of them."

"Jimin please.." Rick begs.

"Please what? Don't shoot you in the head?"

Rick closes his eyes as he gulps in fear. Jimin felt powerful. "Say it." He mutters, making Rick open his eyes. "Say you're sorry."

"I'm sorry." Rick replies almost instantly.

Jimin moves closer to him. "Like you fucking mean it!"

Rick cowers a little as he replies, "I'm sorry Jimin. I'm truly and utterly sorry. For abusing you. For selling you. For everything."

Jimin stands there, looking down at the man who was supposedly such a big bad guy and was reduced to such a coward. Jimin takes a deep breath and says, "I guess I forgive you."

Rick sighs in relief but then Jimin shoots him on the right side of his chest, close to his shoulder. Rick yells in pain as he falls back onto the floor, squirming as he held himself.

That's when Jimin goes to pack the backpack again and gets the hell out of there.

-this chapter is kinda long.. hope it was good tho. more jimin pov in the next chapter-

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