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A month passes and Yoongi has to leave to go to the Middle East

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A month passes and Yoongi has to leave to go to the Middle East. He didn't know exactly where and what he was gonna be doing but he was going to meet up with Todd in London before they go.

He sat in London City Airport looking on his phone as Jimin came across his mind. He sighs to himself, wishing he had done something different or even went after him. Maybe even stopped him from leaving, but for some reason a part of him didn't want to push him away even more than he already did and sadly, Yoongi blamed himself.

"My man!" A familiar voice yells as Yoongi looks up to see the Blonde approaching him. Yoongi stands up to greet him, smacking hands and doing a bro hug. Yoongi respected Todd a lot. He was always so nice to everyone. He also didn't judge people based on their sexuality or race. Even though Yoongi never really admitted to how he truly felt about Jimin, Todd kinda had a feeling.

"So what's happenin'? How was home?" Todd asks him as he sits his bag down.

"Nothin much and it was good. My mom is doing well."

"What about your friend? Jimin, right?"

Yoongi didn't want to talk about Jimin but he does anyways. "Uhh, he's definitely different."

Todd nods his head not trying to pressure Yoongi into talking more about it. "Ahh, well we don't have to talk about that. Anyways, come on! We gotta meet up with the others. We're gonna stay here for the night and then we will all go to Israel together."

"Oh we're going to Israel?" Yoongi asks.

"Yeah. We're gonna stay there for a little while and then move to Egypt. We're gonna see a lot of places and try to do what we can to help certain places. Some places are pretty dangerous but that's everywhere really. Have you ever been in Detroit?"

Yoongi shakes his head.

"You don't want too." He picks up his bag, putting the strap on his shoulder. "Alright!" He says, patting Yoongi on the arm, "Let's get out of here."

They arrive at the hotel and walk into the lobby. "I guess you and I can share a room, if you don't care." Yoongi shakes his head again as he looks around the room. Todd walks up to the front desk as Yoongi walks over to a tourist board and starts looking at brochures when a familiar South African accent speaks from behind him. "Todd?"

Yoongi turns around and sees Kiana walk up to Todd. "Kiana hey!" They hug each other as Yoongi was surprised to see her. "Yoongi is here too." Todd says pointing over at him. Kiana turns to him and she lights up like a star in the night sky. "Oh my god! Yoongi!" She runs over to him and hugs him tight. He hugs her back as she says, "It's so good to see you."

"It's good to see you too Kiana. I didn't think I would."

She pulls away from him and looks deeply in his eyes, "I decided to come on this trip." She turns, looking back at Todd, "Todd told me you would be coming." She looks back at Yoongi, "I had to see you again."

Yoongi and Kiana had a relationship when they were in South Africa.

He lost his virginity to her.

They became really close and it got to a point where they would stay with each other every night.. But when Yoongi had to go back home, they didn't think they'd ever see each other again and that's how it was supposed to be.

"Well, I got our room ready." Todd says. "I'm gonna take my stuff up to it. Here's the other key, if you're not planning on coming till later, or not at all. Whatever floats your boat."

Yoongi rolls his eyes as he takes the key; Kiana giggling. Todd walks away as Kiana asks, "Would you like to come up to my room?" He looks at her and he couldn't resist. She was just so beautiful. She wore a short Kanga dress and her hair was pulled up in small box braids with gems attached to a few of them. Hoop earrings hung from her ears and she didn't wear makeup, having natural beauty. Her skin looked like it was kissed by the sun and was oh so soft.

"Sure, Id love too." He replies as she puts her hand in his and pulls him to her room.


A couple years pass and Yoongi and Kiana were pretty much in a relationship by this point. They were like this power couple that helped so many people. Putting interracial criticism in its place. Everyone loved them and loved what they stood for.

They finally did everything they were supposed to do and decided to spend some time in Dubai. They did so much together, going to nice restaurants, seeing amazing attractions, to riding camels. He was happy, but at least once a day, Jimin would come to his mind and at that moment he'd become sad, until Kiana would manage to pull him out.

Sometimes she would catch him in one of those moments, but she'd never ask what's wrong. She knew why.

They go to see the Dubai fountain and once it's done they walk down the street holding hands and talking.

"Yoongi, I want to tell you something." She says, stopping as she faces him.

"What is it?"

She takes a deep breath and then looks up at him, "I've really enjoyed our time together. I'm really glad I met you, and I know the program is about to end and you're supposed to go back to LA.. and well.." She looks down, taking her hand from his and putting it to her face.

"Hey.. what is it?" Yoongi asks grabbing her hand back. She looks back at him and she was crying. "I love you Yoongi. I have fallen for you and I'm just going to miss you."

Yoongi had a feeling this was coming. He caresses the side of her face, wiping the tears from her cheek. "I'm gonna miss you too Kiana.. but.." before he can finish she interrupts saying, "but you don't love me."

"No, it's not that I don't love you.. I do. You've become very special to me. I love what we have together, but, I'm not in love with you. Our time together has been wonderful and I'll always cherish it, but I have to go home."

She nods, because she knows why. "You love him don't you?" She says softly.

Yoongi was surprised by her question. "What?"

She sniffles as she wipes her face. "Jimin. Your friend. You love him. He's the one you want isn't he?"

Yoongi gulps as he opens his mouth slightly. He didn't know how to answer her. "Uhh.. I mean."

She caresses his face this time. "I understand Yoongi. I've always kinda known. The way you talk about him. The way you are sometimes.. you miss him and you need him."

Yoongi presses his lips together trying to conceal any emotion. "Yeah, I do. He's the love of my life."

Kiana smiles and gently kisses him on the lips. "Well baby, when you get home, you find him and tell him that. Tell him how important he is and how much you love him. Don't let him go."

"What about you?"

"Oh I'll be fine. I want you to be happy and if he's the one you want, then he's the one I want for you."

He looks her deeply in the eyes and embraces her, pulling her close. "You're amazing, you know that?"

She looks up at him with a smile and says, "It's because of you!" Making him chuckle, then lean down for a kiss.

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