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-i just want to say, if you don't like the content in this chapter or the next.. im sorry. i try to do my best to warn people and just remember, this is completely fictional!-

Jimin makes his way down the flight of stairs, sneaking past the front desk as people start to panic from the gunshots that sounded from his hotel room

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Jimin makes his way down the flight of stairs, sneaking past the front desk as people start to panic from the gunshots that sounded from his hotel room.

He knew he needed to get the hell out of there before the cops showed up. Going to jail was definitely not on his list of things to do before he dies.

He walks down the street, making his way to a highway. Walking about an hour before the drugs started to ware off. Dizziness and a massive headache took over as he sat the backpack down, then sits down next to it. He rubs his face, trying to relieve some of the symptoms but then it dawned on him, he had the tablets. He unzips the backpack and pulls out a bottle of tablets that are called Fentanyl. An opioid used for severe pain but has been known to be mixed with heroin and cocaine.

That's what he was abusing. Sometimes he'd pop a couple tablets or he'd have the powder and snort it. Since he wasn't in a position to snort it, he pops two, swallowing them without any liquid. He didn't care. He wanted the pain to be gone and to be numb again. The abuse that Rick afflicted on him was the reason he developed a dependency to the drug. Starting off with percocets and cocaine here and there to try and mask the actual pain he had but then grew as he just wanted to forget. Though, pain was still very much an issue.

He buries his face in his hands, groaning in pain as a BMW pulls over on the side of the road. He looks up as the window goes down.

"Need a ride?" A man says from the driver seat. Jimin stands, looking at the man inside the car. He looked to be in his mid thirties, dressed very nice, in a long sleeve button up as if he worked in an office. He was also pretty attractive for an older man and didn't seem creepy at all.

"Uh, Yeah."

"Get in." The man says nonchalantly, Jimin not hesitating to take the offer. He grabs his backpack and gets into the passenger seat.

The guy seemed like a decent person. I mean he had a BMW, he looked professional and like he had money. Not like anything bad could happen, right?

"So, where ya tryin to get too?" The man asks, trying to start a conversation.

"Los Angeles." Jimin answers just glancing over at the man.

"Oh wow. You're quite far from there. You do know you're in Washington state right?"

Jimin nods, "I know. I was just in Seattle a day ago."

The man looks over at Jimin, looking him up and down. "I could take you to LA."

Jimin turns to him, giving him a smile. "Really? I'd really appreciate it.. but I don't have any money to pay you."

The man shakes his head as he puts up his hand, "Pfft, it's no problem. I gotta go somewhere in Southern California anyways."

Jimin sighs in relief as he looks out the window. Relief that he was finally gonna get back to Yoongi. But it seems he sighed too soon because he feels the mans hand move over the top of his thigh. "Besides.." The man begins as Jimin looks down seeing the mans hand slowly sliding up his thigh. "There's other forms of payment." Jimin slowly looks at him, the man was creepily grinning at him. He knew exactly what the guy meant.. he looks away and this time sighs in disappointment but accepts the offer anyways.


It was some time around five in the morning and Jimin laid on his right side on the bed, staring at the blank wall in the motel room. He felt a little disgusted with himself, but since he was numb it wasn't really that bad.

He slowly gets up, trying really hard not to wake the older man from his slumber. The man really wasn't the worst he ever slept with. At least the guy had a nice body and was actually attractive. However, the fact the man used Jimin for sex, especially when he picked him up from the side of the road made him cringe a little.

He quickly, but quietly, puts his pants on and throws his black sweater back on, then starts packing his things up. As he puts the backpack on his back, he looks over and sees the mans wallet sitting on the side table.

Without even thinking, he walks over to it and looks inside, seeing some cash. He pulls it out and counts it; Two hundred.

"I deserve more." He whispers to himself and rolls the money up and puts it in his pocket.

He lays the wallet back down and grabs the keys to the BMW and walks out. The parking lot was empty and quiet until he interrupts the silence with the jangle of keys in his hand. He unlocks he car and gets inside, closing the door instantly. He sits there for a second and then starts rummaging through the middle console and under the dash. Who knows, the guy could have had something important stashed. He pulls the sun visor down and a picture falls from it, into his lap. Looking at it actually made him feel disgusted.

"The dude has a family?" Jimin utters as the picture showed the man, with his wife and two children. Jimin scrunches up his face in disgust. "Ugh.. what a piece of shit." He utters, throwing the picture behind him and then cranks the car and drives away.


A day passes and Jimin makes it about half way to LA. He drove for hours but he had to stop and get at least an hour of sleep and eat something. The car was getting low on gas but he really didn't want to spend any of the money he had on more. So he pulls into a gas station and parks at the front of the store.

It was a little passed midnight so there wasn't anyone there, except for the guy that was working. Jimin walks inside and heads straight to the drink section. The guy at the cash register watches as he sees Jimin open the fridge door and grab four waters. He lets go of the door, it slamming shut and walks towards the front but then stops abruptly, seeing Redbull. He tries really hard to open the fridge door as he holds four water bottles and manages to succeed as he pulls a 8oz can from the fridge.

He walks to the front, that door slamming behind him again, and he sits all the waters down on the counter at once then the Redbull, lightly. The guy looks at all the waters and then glances at Jimin, who was looking around trying to avoid eye contact. Jimin wasn't that high anymore. He was actually starting to come down, since he decided to detox himself, for Yoongi's case.

The guy puts in the waters and the Redbull. "Your total will be 9.56."

Jimin puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out some wadded up cash, and sits it on the counter. It was a ten dollar bill.

The guy takes it and unravels it, putting it in the cash register to give Jimin his change but as the guy goes to give it to him, Jimin has his hands full of water bottles and just leaves without it.

The guy watches Jimin open the passenger side of the BMW, puts the waters in his backpack, then puts the backpack on his back and closes the door. He walks away from the car and the guy thought that was strange. So he walks out, seeing Jimin walk down the road as he chugs the Redbull and then throws the empty can on the side of the road.

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