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A couple days pass and Yoongi met up with Todd at a bar

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A couple days pass and Yoongi met up with Todd at a bar. He walks inside the dark, calm building and sees Todd sitting at the bar with a bottle of beer in his hand. "Hey." Yoongi mumbles as he sits on the bar stool. "Hey man!" Todd exclaims, patting Yoongi on his bicep. He grips Yoongi's shoulder and shakes him, "How's my favorite guy doing?"

Yoongi sighs as he rubs his eyes, then puts his hands together and looks at Todd. "Im Alright."

Todd knew he was full of shit. "Okay.. what's the real answer? Because man, you look like shit. No offense." He drinks some of his beer as Yoongi leans his elbows on the bar. "No it's okay.. I know I look like shit. I feel like shit too."

The bartender walks over. "What can I get you sir?"

"Uhh, some whiskey please. Just straight whiskey, nothing else."

The bartender nods and goes to walk away but Yoongi stops her, "Hey." She turns back to him, "Yes?"

"Like the strongest you got."

She nods with a smile and goes to get the whiskey.

"Woah dude. What happened?" The blonde asks him, setting his beer down, giving him his full attention.

"Guess who came to visit me the other day?"

Todd thought for a second and then it finally hit him, "Your friend? Jimin, right?"

Yoongi nods. "Yep." The bartender brings him the whiskey. He takes it and instantly drinks it, throwing it back not even showing a sign of it effecting him. "Can you just bring me the whole bottle?" He asks. Todd furrows his brows as the bartender glances at him. Todd gives her a smile and just bobbles his head giving her the OK.

"I opened up to him. I told him how I felt and that I loved him and he left me. Again!"

Todd didn't know what to say. I mean, he knew exactly what to say but it wasn't what Yoongi wanted to hear. "Damn dude.. I'm sorry. I hate that happened to you."

The bartender sits the bottle of whiskey down and Yoongi quickly grabs it, pouring more into his glass, drinking it instantly. "Woah man, I think you should slow down."

Yoongi cuts his hooded eyes at Todd, as he grabs the bottle again, pouring more into the glass and drinks it, all while keeping eye contact. Todd raises his brows. "Uhhh, you need help."

Yoongi sighs as he puts his head down on the bar. "It's not that bad Yoongi. Besides, he doesn't deserve you anyways. You're too good for him."

Yoongi sits up, "No, he does deserve me. That's the problem. I'm the only person that will treat him well. I'm the person he needs."

Todd drinks his beer as he shakes his head at how ludicrous Yoongi sounded.

"I was played, yes.. but at least he got something out of it." Yoongi adds as he drinks some more.

"What did he get out of it?" Todd asks, curiously.

"Well, not only did I open up to him emotional, but physically too.."

Todd became shocked. "You two..." He pauses, his eyes wide.

Yoongi nods, "Yes Todd. We had sex." He drinks more whiskey as Todd raises his eyebrows. "Wow.. I mean there's nothing wrong with it but damn.. I mean, he could have at least told you he didn't want more instead of using you."

"Yeah he even took my credit card."

"Did you cancel it?" Todd asks. Yoongi doesn't say anything, he just takes another shot. "Yoongi.." Todd utters in a disapproving tone.

"I'll cancel it when he maxes it out."

At first Todd was surprised, but then he just felt disappointment. "Wow.. you must really love him, to let him fuck you over like that, and not do anything about it."


Hours pass and Yoongi's a drunken mess. Todd helps him into his house, them stumbling around trying not to fall over. "Okay Yoongi, come on." They get inside finally and Yoongi pushes Todd away. "I got.. I got it!" He stutters, as he stands there wiping his mouth, swaying back and forth.

He drunk walks to the kitchen, kinda tripping as he loses his balance here and there, holding the wall to keep him up. He finally makes it into the kitchen and pulls out a bottle of scotch he had in the liquor cabinet.

"What are you doin?" Todd asks, putting his hands on his hips, giving Yoongi a look of disapproval.

"Whats.." he hiccups, "What's it look like?"

Todd folds his arms, "It looks like you're trying to drink yourself to death."

Yoongi just stands there for a second, staring at the bottle, then nonchalantly shrugs as he opens it.

Todd quickly walks over and grabs the scotch away from him. "Hey!" Yoongi lets out in a deep raspy voice as he goes to grab it back. "Give mee it ba-ack!" He demands, pointing at himself. He was really drunk, and he definitely didn't need anymore.

"No! I'm not gonna let you drink anymore!"

"Fine.." Yoongi says with a pout as Todd lets his guard down, but once he does Yoongi goes for the bottle again.

They fight over the bottle, pulling it from each other. "Yoongi! Let go!"

"No! Give me.. whiskey! My whiskey!"

Todd finally gets it from Yoongi, making him fall forward . Todd catches him and he breaks down, clinging to Todd's shirt.

Todd stands there holding a sobbing Yoongi as he sits the bottle of scotch down on the counter and just tries to comfort Yoongi.

"I love him.." Yoongi cries as Todd rubs his back. "I know man. I know you do.. but you can't just sit here and drink yourself to death."

Yoongi stands up straight as he wipes his face, "I just.. hate... the way.. I.. feel."

Todd sighs, "I know buddy. Now come on," He pulls on Yoongi's arm. "You should probably get some rest." Yoongi nods as he rubs his eyes, following Todd to his bed. He gets into it and Todd tucks him in. "Take it easy brother." Todd says as Yoongi drifts off to sleep.

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