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*3 years later*

Jimin stood outside a night club, looking up at the building, remembering all the times he'd find himself at one of these places high as a kite

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Jimin stood outside a night club, looking up at the building, remembering all the times he'd find himself at one of these places high as a kite. But that wasn't the case this time.

He was clean. Free of all drugs from his system and had been taking really good care of himself. Eating healthy and going to the gym was part of his daily routine and he stuck to it too. His appearance had changed once again, going back to the dirty blonde and more of a masculine personality, though he still had his feminine moments.

He had a new life, a job, an apartment and a best friend named Stacey. Things were looking up.

"Jimin!" Stacey yells, making Jimin turn his head and look at her. A soft smile forms on his face as he sees the petite brunette run up to him. Giving him a hug, she says, "I'm glad you came out with me!"

"It's no problem. Besides, it's not like I have anything else better to do." Jimin replies looking over at the entrance. Stacey furrows her brows as she playfully slaps him on the arm. He immediately looks back at her, grabbing his arm. "Ow!" He lets out, seeing her annoyed expression. He chuckles, "I'm kidding! You're always my first choice."

Her expression changes to a smile as she rubs his arm where she slapped him. "Good! Now come on!" She pulls him with her inside and they make their way to the bar and find two open seats. They sit down and order some shots.

"So, I really needed this, because I've been really stressed out lately.. and I should have told you sooner but.. Ben broke up with me." Stacey says with a pout as the bartender sits down their shots.

Jimin puts his hand on top of hers, "Oh Stacy I'm so sorry.. I know how much you loved him." He really did feel bad for her.

She nods taking the shot in her hand, "Yeah, but he loves Rebecca more." She swallows the tequila as Jimin follows. Her face scrunches up as he just squints his eyes feeling the burn. "Who's Rebecca?" Jimin asks.

"She's this bitch he works with.. I guess I should have known when he was staying out late and they became friends on Facebook." She sighs as she waves at the bartender to bring some more shots.

"Well, I'm sure everything will work out. You're a great girl and you'll find someone great too!"

She smiles at him, "Aww, Jimmie you're so sweet. You really do make me feel better."

He shrugs with a smirk. "Ehh, I try." They share a chuckle as they take the second shot.

They had a great time. Danced to the music on the dance floor and drank the sad vibes away.

A couple hours later they walk out, it was about one in the morning. They walked down the streets of San Francisco, arms locked together as they talked and laughed about nonsense.

Finally making it to Stacey's apartment they walk inside. It was nice but a little small. Jimin would go over there every now and then and they'd drink wine and binge watch Supernatural. Out of all the characters, Castiel was Jimin's favorite.

Stacey walks out from her bedroom in a big t-shirt and shorts. "Well it feels nice to get into some comfy clothes! You want some wine?" She asks him.

"You don't have to ask me twice." He replies as she jogs over to the kitchen, grabbing two wine glasses and a bottle of Rosé.

He sits down on the couch as she plops down beside him, handing him one of the glasses. "Here you go." She says pouring some wine in his glass. "Thanks." He replies, instantly taking a sip.

Once she pours her glass she sits back, making herself comfortable. "So, Jimin, why don't you have a girlfriend?"

Jimin's eyebrows shot up. "Uhh, well, I just don't want one." He drinks more of his wine as Stacey keeps eyeballin him. "But why? You could have anyone you want. You're so attractive, you have a great job and you're such a sweet guy. Any girl would be lucky to have you."

He looks at her but doesn't know what to say except for, "Thanks.. but I'm not that great."

Finishing off the wine, Stacey sits up and faces Jimin. She grabs his hands in hers and looks deep in his brown eyes. "Yes you are! You're always here for me. You're always making sure that I'm happy. Most guys don't care. But you.. you care." She looks down at his hand in hers. "You deserve someone who can do the same for you." She looks back at him. "I'm sure whoever gets you, will make damn sure you know that."

Jimin thinks of Yoongi. Which, he thinks of him at least once a day, and missed so much.. but in this particular moment it made him miss the dark haired man that showered him with love and affection even more. The only man.. person, that ever really truly loved him no matter what, and when that thought ends, he feels Stacey press her lips to his.

He quickly pushes her away and wipes his mouth. "Woah, Stacey! What are you doing?!"

"Uhh.. I.. thought.. I don't know!" Stacey yells, as she covers her face in her hands.

Jimin moves his hands away from his mouth and adjusts himself on the couch, kinda scooting away from her. "Stacey, you're a nice girl and you're very attractive, but... I don't like you like that."

She lifts her head up, tears streaming down her face. "I know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin anything!"

Jimin sighs, "You didn't ruin anything.. it's just.." he pauses.. trying to build up the courage to tell her— "I'm gay."

Her eyes go wide as her mouth opens. "What?!"

Jimin stands from the couch and runs his hand through his blonde hair, covering his eyes for a few seconds then turns back and says, "I'm gay. I like men. I think women are beautiful but.. I just prefer men. There.. I said it."

There was silence for a few seconds as Jimin began to talk again, "Look, if you don't want to be my friend anymore than I—"

Stacey gets up real quick and hugs Jimin, mid-sentence, interrupting him. "I don't care if you're gay! I'm happy you're gay!"

"You are?"

"Yes!! There's nothing wrong with it! So you like men, big whoop.. that means we got something else in common! Besides, it makes me feel better knowing that the reason you don't like me like that is because I have a vagina and not because of me!" She hugs him again and he felt good finally getting that off his chest.

"Well, there's something else I'd like to tell you." Jimin says as she pulls away from him.

Stacey gives him a huge smile, "Anything! What is it?"

He takes a deep breath as he closes his eyes and once he opens them again he says, "I have HIV."

-remember this is fiction... real jimin isn't a drug addict who has hiv.. it's just a story, please don't get mad at me. not saying anyone will get mad at me but i have a feeling someone is gonna be triggered by this. anyways, the next chapter is the continued part of this.. we're getting close to yoonmin reuniting again.-

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