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It had been a few months since his surgery and things were going really well

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It had been a few months since his surgery and things were going really well.. except, pain had showed itself again in the middle of Jimin's back.

Of course pain is common from surgery but since it had been awhile, the pain he was feeling wasn't normal.

Jimin was sitting on the couch, bundled under a soft blanket as him and Yoongi watched a movie together. Yoongi was sitting next to him but he was hot so he didn't want the blanket. They had their fingers intertwined together as Jimin nodded off, resting his head on Yoongi's shoulder. He had been tired a lot lately, almost exhausted. Which was weird since he wasn't doing much of anything.

He decided he was gonna get up and go to bed even though the movie wasn't over but the look on his face showed Yoongi he really needed to sleep.

Yoongi helps him up and Jimin groans in pain. "Are you okay?" Yoongi asks.

"Yeah. I think it's just from sitting down for so long." Jimin replies as Yoongi lets him hold onto his arm. "Here, I'll help you to the bedroom."

What would normally take a fifteen second walk ended up taking ten minutes. With each step, it seemed to be harder than the last.

"Jimin, why are you struggling to walk? You've been doing so well.."

Jimin shakes his head. "I don't know. It's just really hard for some reason. My back is killing me."

"Maybe you should go back to the hospital." Yoongi suggests making Jimin gasp, "No! I don't want too. I'll be fine. Just help me in bed."

Yoongi helped Jimin lay down but the whole time he let out groans. He covers Jimin up, trying to make him comfortable, but Jimin just kept whining. Yoongi looked at him with concern. "Jimin, I really think you should go back to the doctor." Jimin just gently shook his head, his face scrunching up as his eyes were closed.

Yoongi didn't know what to do. He had no medicine to give him and he couldn't make Jimin do something he didn't want to do. He walks out of the room and takes his phone out of his pocket. Dr. Brenner's personal cell was in his contacts so he calls her.

"Hello." She answers.

"Dr. Brenner! It's Yoongi."

"Oh hello Yoongi, is everything okay?"

"Uhh no, it's Jimin."

"What's wrong?"

"He's in a lot of pain and having trouble walking... I don't know what to do. It just came out of no where... but he doesn't want to go back to the hospital."

"Yoongi, he needs too.. the cancer could have came back. We need to check. Call an ambulance, they can sedate him and get him there safely and quickly. I'll meet you there."

"Okay! Thank you!"

They hang up and he immediately calls an ambulance. The paramedics show up and Yoongi takes them to the room, first Yoongi goes in and walks up to Jimin who was in worse shape than before. "Jimin, I called an ambulance. The paramedics are gonna take you to the hospital and give you some medicine. But I'll be right behind them. Don't worry."

Jimin tried to grab Yoongi as tears fell down his flushed cheeks, "They will take care of you. I won't be far."

Yoongi moves out of the way to let the paramedics take over. They try to talk to Jimin but Jimin was in so much pain he could barely speak.

It was so heartbreaking for Yoongi to see Jimin like this. Especially when he couldn't do anything for him.

They finally got him in the ambulance, hooked up to an IV to sedate him. Yoongi gets in his car and follows the ambulance as best he can.

When he gets there, he goes to the front desk and asks about Jimin, having a feeling of déjà vu. They get everything situated and Yoongi goes to wait. Again.

About an hour passes and Yoongi was dozing off in the waiting room. Dr. Brenner walks in and sees him and shakes her head at the sleepy man. She knew he was tired.

"Yoongi?" She says softly making him open his eyes. He sees the doctor standing there and stands up quickly as if he wasn't just sleeping.

"Dr. Brenner! Hi.."

"You okay?" She asks him.

Yoongi adjusts his shirt and fixes his hair as he says, "Yeah, I'm just tired."

She nods, "I bet you are. I can imagine you're very exhausted with everything."

Yoongi puts his hand on the back of his neck, "Yeah, I am." He moves his hand from his neck and puts it on his hip, "So hows Jimin? Is he okay?"

Dr. Brenner didn't look happy.

"He's okay for now. But, the cancer did come back."

The words made Yoongi's heart drop into the pit of his stomach, making him feel sick. "What?"

She sighs, "The cancer came back in his back.. I guess the chemo wasn't working—"

"So why not give him stronger chemo!?" Yoongi utters, interrupting her. He was fed up.

"Yoongi.. his liver is failing."

Yoongi's furrowed brows become relaxed, turning his expression into sadness.

"Sometimes chemotherapy can cause damage to the liver, especially if it was already weak. And you said he has a history of drug abuse. The liver filters those things.. I can imagine over time, the abuse from the drugs have caused it to become inadequate. Usually the liver can heal itself but with so much abuse, it becomes useless."

Yoongi didn't really hear her. All he could hear was his own thoughts, telling him over and over again how he was going to lose Jimin... again. But this time, permanently.

"Yoongi?" Dr. Brenner says making Yoongi look at her. "I'm very sorry about this. I really was hoping Jimin could beat this."

"So you're saying he can't? That we should give up and he's just gonna die?"

"No, I'm not saying that, but the way things are looking, you need to be prepared for the worst. He can always get a liver transplant, but there is a list and I can't just put Jimin at the top when there are people who need a liver more than him. So your best bet is to just wait and hope for the best. Unfortunately, we can't do the surgery again and chemo is a bad idea with his liver being the way it is."

Yoongi closes his eyes and covers his face with his hands, rubbing his forehead with the tips of his fingers. He removes his hands and places them on his hips, slightly nodding his head as he pressed his lips together trying not to lose his shit right there in the hospital waiting room. He looks at Dr. Brenner and just says, "Okay."

"You can go see him. He's sleeping. When he wakes up, y'all can discuss what he wants to do, but I'll go ahead and make the arrangements for a liver transplant."

Yoongi continues to nod, trying to keep his cool as Dr. Brenner places her hand on his arm. "I really am sorry Yoongi. I've grown to care very deeply for you both. I really hope everything works out."

A tear falls from Yoongi's eye and he inhales deeply, "Thank you. I appreciate everything you've done for him."

She smiles and takes him to Jimin's room. He walks in and Jimin was laying in the bed, sleeping peacefully. As Yoongi stood by his side, looking down at him, more tears fell from his eyes. He brushed Jimin's bangs to the side and leaned down, kissing him gently on the forehead. "I love you." He whispers, then wipes his face and sits down in the chair to wait for Jimin to wake up.

-im sorry..-

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