Chapter 6: Here we go again...

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I tried avoiding eye contact with Mahir during the whole lecture but he kept looking at me...It was scary!! I tried so hard to maintain my focus without him getting to me. But every word he said reminded me of Friday...the way he talked to me when we fucked.

The way he bent over on the table reminded me of how he made me bend over his dresser and he took me from behind. Then I remembered that disgusting thing he did to me....ugh I wanted to shoot myself!!! I tried slipping away discreetly after the lecture.

"Ms Sharma, may I speak to you?"

No!!! I look at Stella and she gives me a reassuring look with her eyes and she waited for me outside.

"What do you want, Mahir?"


I was expecting him to say that but as tempting as it sounded, I wasn't sure. "You can't have me anymore!!"

"You have a lesson today, Ritasha. You better be at my house on time!"

"If I don't...? What are you going to do about it?"

"I can call your parents and let them know that you taking extra lessons which they have to pay for...or I can tell them how you fucked your professor. Which one you prefer, Ritasha?" He sounded just like me.

"Are you blackmailing me?"

"You did it too. But the thing is...I'm not sorry for it." He smirks but still has a bit of anger and regret in his eyes.

"You're sick!!"

"We really need to talk. I'll appreciate it if you come...I always will...and maybe I won't tell you not to anymore...if you know what I mean..."

Like duh! "Okay, then. I'll see you."

I kept avoiding Stella when I returned to the dorm after my last lecture. I was in no mood to chat to her even though I felt terrible. What really occupied my mind was what Mahir was going to do today when I go over. He doesn't seem like the type to reconcile...but who knows?

I didn't bother to change the jeans and jacket that I wore from the morning or put make-up on. I just changed my sneakers to boots. I was done seducing him. I gathered my essentials and left so that I could be on time or even earlier to put an end to this. Maybe I could really take the lessons and I'll speak to my parents about it. The thing is that I don't need it.

When I knock he opens immediately and I settle my bag down, making my way back to him as he stood in the doorway. He didn't change either, still had his jeans and jacket on...still looking hot as fuck.

"Thank you for coming."

"Mahir, I told you we can't do this anymore."

"But why? Did I not make you feel good? I thought we had a strong connection-"

"Until you revealed your dark side and you stuck that vibrating thing into me!! I agree with the rest of it. It was wrong! You really scared me...You said you'll never hurt me but you did!!"

"I had no idea...I'm really sorry, Ritasha. Come here."

"No..." I was about to tear again.

"Please..." He made it sound so urgent, I really needed some emotional support now.

Inevitably I step forward and he pulls my waist towards him, embracing me. His arms tightened around me and suddenly I felt safe again, so I hugged him back. After a while he pulled away and looked at me, grazing my cheeks and dragging a finger over my lower lip before letting his lips crash on mine in a soft, passionate demanding kiss.

My hands moved to his face feeling his light stubble. I allowed his tongue to enter and in that moment it became the most beautiful, passionate kiss I've ever had. We pulled away after a minute, catching our breathe. I couldn't help but smile.

He still looks at me with sparkle and passion. "I promise that I won't hurt you again."

I started to feel at ease again "You better not!! Why the hell do you even have that thing!?"

"Long story..." I figured he didn't want to tell me. But still, which guy keeps a damn vibrator!!

Mahir goes to the kitchen and I take out my books to complete some work as I sat on the floor and used the low table.

"I didn't know that my sofas were so uncomfortable." He teased.

"I like sitting like this. The mat is very comfortable." He had a furry kitty rug, I loved the feeling.

"Since you didn't end up drinking it on Friday, please have it today." He sets the coffee aside on the table.

"Thank you." I smile at him.

He hovers me from above, literal felt like he was standing on my head!

"Do you mind!!? You're invading my space..."

"Oh sorry." He sits across me and is directly eye level to me.

I felt him staring at me. "What?"

"What you're doing?"

"Completing the questions you gave us in class." I continued writing and making references to the textbook. "Are you gonna sit there and stare at me the whole time?"

"I don't mind. If you need help, please ask."

"I'm a smart girl."

"Speaking of which...I did a bit of research on you and it turns out that you don't need all this extra lessons crap. In fact you're like qualified to give lessons."

"Thought you knew I came here for different reasons..."

"And I can very well see those reasons..." He says as he takes a peak of my cleavage. Dirty man!

"Are you still gonna phone my parents?"

He laughs and sips his coffee. "Guess what...I don't even have their number"

"Smarty pants blackmailer!!"

"It ass! You're good at multitasking."

"You forget that I'm a woman Mr Seghal..."

"Hmmm but where's the beauty queen at today? No mini skirts or make-up...?" I knew he was talking about me and I smiled while I wrote.

"The beauty queen is busy in a world of her own these days." It's true. I don't feel the same in a way.

"Do you have a lot to finish?"

"No. Just a few more. Someone's very impatient..." And that someone would be me!!!

I completed it and took a sigh of relief, finally getting to taste his coffee. It's strong...just how I like it and just how I like him.

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