Chapter 12: Vishakha's party

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Our drive to Vishakha's house isn't long. Before leaving the car, I grab the gift I've purchased for Vishakha. She loves perfumes and fragrances so I got her a bottle of 'poisoned lust'. I'm sure she'll love it!!!

Before I could step out of the car, Mahir stops me. "Is this your cousin's house? Vish?"

"Yes! Isn't it obvious?" What's wrong with him."Vishakha owns most of the property here anyways!!"

"Ritasha, I need to talk to you-"

"Not now, Mahir. You had a whole night to do that but you wasted it. Please be nice to my you always do." I tell him leaving the car.

The lawn is full of relatives and friends. I meet all of them, some after years. Vishakha's parents welcomed us in and immediately I start searching the house for the birthday girl but Vishakha's mom says that she's somewhere outside.

I look around and I spot the curvy girl with an outstanding tattoo on her hand, wearing an almost strapless red dress. Vishakha's favourite colour.

I get near to her, didn't want to disturb her conversation

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I get near to her, didn't want to disturb her conversation. When someone says my name, she turns and her face lights up with excitement.



She pulls me into a tight, long hug. I missed this girl like crazy. "I missed you, sweetheart."

"I missed you more!!!"

"Lies, lies, lies. You're busy with your loverboy these days, huh..." She nudges me in a tease.

"Well, you are kind of right."

"I'm always right!!"

"Happy birthday, Vish!!!" I hand her the present. "I'm sure you'll love this!"

"Awww, thank you so much cuz!! But...I want to meet your boyfriend now!!"

"Off course!!"

I drag her with me to find Mahir and when he see us approaching he turns away in the opposite direction. I thought he wasn't mad at me anymore!!

Ritasha: Mahir, my cousin Vishakha.

Mahir: Hi.

Vishakha: Hi.

There's an awkward silence that hung in the air for a few seconds. Suddenly, Vishakha looks uncomfortable as well.

Mahir: Happy birthday.....Vishakha.

Vishakha: Thank you....Mahir.

Again another strand of awkward silence in the midst of the background in full party mode.

Vishakha: Rita, do me a favour. Leave this in my room. (She hands me the gift)

Ritasha: Okay...

I go to Vishakha's room thinking of the weird situation that just happened. Did they know each other?

Suddenly, I hear the door shut and turn around in shock. "Why is Mahir Seghal here?"

"I knew it! You guys know each other."

"Fucksakes, should've told me earlier!!"

"Why?? Is there something wrong?"

"God, Rita!! Mahir ex."

"What!!!?" I'm shocked out of daylight. "Vish, you never mentioned him!!!"

"I know. I...didn't know...he'll just show up one day dating my cousin!!"

"I'm so sorry, Vish. Had I known I wouldn't have brought him here. Let alone even date him. I didn't intend on spoiling your birthday..."

"It's okay, darling, relax!! It's not your fault.....or his."

"Why...what did he do to you that y'all had to break up?"

She sighs and takes a deep breathe before talking again. "That's the thing. He didn't do anything. Mahir and I were in a serious relationship. I was so close to bringing him home stupidity and immaturity screwed up everything." She rubs her forehead with the back of her palm as if to shoo off some bad memory. "I cheated on Mahir because...I wanted to take things up a notch, you know what I mean. But he was just too slow that eventually after months he found out and we stopped talking or seeing each other ever since."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Vishakha and Mahir....what the fuck!!!? How?? "So you guys didn't clear the air between y'all?"

"No...i don't have the guts to."

"How long do you know him for?"

"This happened back in college. Feels like ages to me..."

Something dawned on me to find out more. "Do you know Divyanka?"

"Yeah, that's Mahir's childhood friend. We used to meet occasionally. Why?"

"He's engaged to her."

"Then what the fuck is he doing with you?"

"He says there's nothing between them. It's only for some legal will action. Should I believe him...?

"Do you love him, Ritasha?

"You know me, Vish. I wouldn't have brought him here if he didn't mean anything to me. I love him a lot!! And he loves me-"

"I know! Mahir is the most caring, kindest, sweetest person you could ever find. But most of all his honesty makes him a wonderful man. So...please believe him. Don't lose him, Rita. He's a keeper." She tells me with a smile. Did she regret what she did? "And don't worry about me...there's no regrets. I just wish I hadn't hurt him so much." She clears my doubt.

"But I can't have this awkwardness between you both. You have to talk to him. Both of you need to have a serious conversation. Clear it out. Mahir won't say no, it's your take advantage."

"Oh Rita....pray that it goes well. I'm not sure what he thinks.....but I want you both to be happy."

We exit the room making our way back to the party. I look for Mahir and see him at the bar, staring intently at his drink. I approach him and he looks at me with no emotion. Maybe I should've listened to him in the car.

"I'm sorry, Ritasha. I tried to tell you that-" He says looking back at his drink, swirling the contents.

"I think you should talk to her." He shoots his eyes at me in astonishment like saying are you fucking dumb!!?

"Theres nothing-"

"Please, Mahir..." He had to listen to me. I didn't want to complicate things any further.

Vishakha joins us and I lead them outside in the garden and slip away hoping for the best. I didn't know Mahir has been hurt so badly. I shouldn't have been so harsh to him. Vishakha was wrong to cheat on him. This shit runs in our family or what?

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