Chapter 3

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Bryan P.O.V

"What the fuck mom what you mean we gotta fucking move im mad confused here" i heard my little sister yell at my mom.

"Whats going on here i asked walking in Briannas room sitting next to her.

"Mom said we gotta move and i dont understand why" Brianna said.

"Its because your father" she said back crying.

"What about the bitch" Brianna replied standing up ready to punch a wall.

"He found out where we live and he's out to kill us for leaving him" My mom responded holding her stomach.

"What the fuck this gotta be a mother fucking dream. I know you didnt just say my father is looking for us. Im ready to wake up now! Hello! Wake a bitch up!" Brianna said clapping her hands.

*Cough* *Cough*

My mom sound like she was about to choke. She dropped to her knees and throw up blood.

I already knew why. My told me and Brandon three months ago she she had cancer.

"Wo!Wo!Wo!Wo! Ma you alright? You need to go to the hostipal?" I ask heart broken and feeling sorry for my mom.

She was dieing slowly and she knew that.

"Im alright Bryan" she said sitting back on the bed.

"I think its time you tell her mom" i said looking into my moms eyes knowing she was afraid of tell brianna cause she knew she would take it the hardest of all.

"Tell Me What?!" Brianna asked angrily and shocked at the same time.

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