Chapter 19

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Travis P.O.V

I guess since Brianna kissed me that meant yes. She is my girl now.

"Brianna i will do anything for you ill take a bullet for you i want yo ass to have my kids" i said.

She laughed and cried at the same time.

I almost forgot Bryan told me he wanna talk to her.

I dailed his number and past her the phone. She took it walked out the room. I had a suprise for her that she was going to love just wait on it.

I heard a loud noise and Brianna yell No. My heart started to race. I rushed out of the bed and to Briannas room. She was okay just on the floor crying.

"Bri Brianna whats good" i said pick her up off the floor hugging her tight ass hell.

"My mommy my mommy"she continued to cry out loud.

"What happened" i said.

"My mom in the hostiptal she got stabbed and Bryan said somebody found out where we live im so scared and hurt and this pain is coming fast" she said.

I just held her. I was speechless man this girl going through alot. But i want her to know im there for her. I picked her up placed her in my bed and stayed up till she went to sleep then i went.

Brianna P.O.V

I woke up and noticed i was late for school. I got in the shower and did my daily routiune.

I threw on some jogging pants and and a black tank top. I woke Travis up before putting my black nike slides on.

"Travis im late for school" i said when he woke up.

"Oh my bad you sure you wanna go today" he said getting off the bed.

"Naw not really" i said bout to cry.

He came and hugged me tight and kissed my for head.

"I wanna see my mom Travis please Travis please" i begged crying.

" ight let me ask Bryan cause its up to him.

Before Travis could call Bryan he called him so he past me the phone.


Me: Hello

Bryan: you good Bri

Me: No i wanna see mom

Bryan: i got good knews

Me: What

Bryan: Mom okay she just in a coma

Me: Yaaaaeee omg im so happy.

Bryan: And i got one of the boys with Tank here tied up and he gone give me answer and i gotta go love ya sis

Me: Be safe and love ya too

(End Of Convo)

"What happened" Travis asked.

"MY MOM IS OKAY" I said jumping on him.

I was so happy. I dont know what i would do if i lose my mom and i wanna no who stabbed my mom cause i wanna kill the bitch myself.

"Thats good but Damn Ma ya hurt my fucking stomach" he said holding his stomach.

"Oh im sorry Baby" i said getting on top of him kissing his soft lips.

Me being a freak while kissing him i put one of my hands in his pants.

"Ight girl thats a tiger you aint ready for" he said getting off the bed to take a shower.

"What eva...Can i join" i said still being horny. I was dead serious to but i aint wanna fuck.

"Feel free this yo house too now" he said strugging his shoulders.

I wanted to join so bad but i knew it would lead to something i aint want it to.

I went down stairs and made some pancakes bacon eggs and sausauges.

I felt hands around my waist and soft lips on my neck.

"Damn Bae just what i love to wake up to" he said through kisses.

We sat down and ate and talked. He was craking me up talking bout he wanna have 20 kids. Ima be loose as a goose.

Travis P.O.V

After eating i got a phone call from Bryan


Me: whats good

Bryan: Ah ill be down there in a little bit to Chicago but i found out some news

Me: spill it

Bryan: i kidnapped one of Tanks boys and the bitch was a li snitch. He told me Tank and his boys was paid to kill us and we think its one person but it anit. Then nigga phone ranged i put it on speaker and made him talk and come to find out some female in Chicago snitching out On yall being up there.

Me: The fuck my nigga ya gotta be kidding me ahhh man make sure me and Brianna the first to know when ya hear cause she gotta talk to you and I GOTTA TALK TO YOU.

Bryan: ight gotcha man

(End Of Convo)

"Ya okay" Brianna said sitting in my lap.

"Bae you good" she asked cause i aint respond to her.

She turned on lap so she would be faceing me.

" You not gone talk to me" she said through kisses. But i aint kiss her back.

I pushed her off me got up and left the house. I knew i shouldnt leave her there alone but I need space.

I got in my car pulled out and went to my brothers houses.

(BJ House)

I got out the car knocked on the door and he opened it.

"Whats good this early in the morning" he said sitting on the couch.

I told him what Bryan told me.

"Tell my nigga to hit me up when he come for real and thats some crazy shit doe" He said.

"Hell yea thats what im sayin man" i said.

We chilled and talked and i toldem bout Brianna and He wanna meet her. We smoke 2 blunts before i left cause it was 11:00 and i left Brianna home all alone.

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